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fyd`o mshhqre lshQ rislhdg
bkaoshdkq ks<shlf.ka 
frÈ .e,fjk b,a,Sï ;=kla
(Photos+ Video)

Fukrey Ñ;%mgh ksid ckdorhg m;ajQ fld,sjqâ ks<s úYdld isx f*aianqla Tiafia wef.a rislfhl=g ,nd ÿka m%;spdrhla fï jk úg bka§h udOHj, wdkafoda,khg ,laj ;sfí'

fvksï l,siulska yd à I¾ghlska ieriS isák PdhdrEmhla wef.a ks, f*aianqla msgqj fj; tla lsÍfuka miqj uqiagdlsï ihs*s kï  mqoa.,fhl= thg m%;spdr olajñka 
Nice looking & nice boobs  hehs mjid we;s w;r thg m%;spdr f,i úYdld úiska tu rislhdf.ka b,a,Sï ;=kla isÿfldg ;sfí' tu b,a,Sï ;=k my; fõ'

1& lreKdlr,d Tnf.a fm%d*hs,a mska;+rh f,i fhdod ;sfnk wysxil orejdf.a PdhdrEmh bj;a lrkak'

2& ffO¾hla ;sfhkjdkï Tnf.a we;a; PdhdrEmhla fm%d*hs,a mska;+rh f,i fhdod.kak'

3& fyd| mshhqre''''uu okakjd uu .eyeKshla''fï Tnf.a idudkH oek.ekSug lshkafka''Tõ yeu .eyeKshlgu mshhqre ;sfnkjd''' Tnf.a wïug" ifydaoßhg"wdÉÑg" ÿjg'' jf.a yefudagu'' Thd taf.d,af,da .djg;a .syska fyd| mshhqre lsh,d lshkjo@

Tn .ek ÿlhs'' ´l uf.a uqkg lshkak yhshla ;shkjo@ tfyu ke;a;kï uf.a msgqfjka hkak'

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