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im;a;= odf.k uyskao mkai,a
.shnj WÈ;a f,daflgu fmkakhs

fï Èkj, uqo%s; udOHj, iy f*ianqla jeks iudc cd, fjí wvúj, ckm%sh PdhdrEmh wm fuys m<lr we;s PdhdrEmhhs' tu PdhdrEmh Èfkl nÿ,a, m%foaYfha úydria:dkhl mej;s W;aijhlg ysgmq ckdêm;sjrhd iyNd.s fjñka isáh§ ,nd.kakd ,oaols' 

fuh idudkH f*dfgda tlla fkdù úfYaI f*dfgda tlla jkafka ysgmq l;dkdhljrfhl= jk ú'c'uq' f,dl=nKavdr uy;df.a mq;a t'c'ks'i' md¾,sfïka;= uka;%S WÈ;a f,dl=nKavdr uy;d ksidh' foaYmd,lhka yd m%isoaO mqoa.,hka ysiajeiqï yd mdjyka me<| wd.ñl ia:dk ;=< isák PdhdrEm ´kE;rï wm oelwe;s uq;a fuh úfYaI jkafka wod, uka;%Sjrhd ysgmq ckdêm;sjrhd me<| isák mdjyka ysgmq ckdêm;sjrhdf.a irfuka wdjrKh lsÍug ork wid¾:l W;aidyh fya;=fjks' 
 fï w;r WÈ;a f,dl=nKavdr uka;%Sjrhd udOH idlpPdjla mj;ajñka mjid we;af;a tÈk ysgmq ckdêm;sjrhd im;a;= me<| fkdisá njhs' Tyq me<| isáfha fïia muKla nj;a iru yq<Ûg f.dia fïia fyda fjk;a fohla fmkSug bvwe;s neúka ;uka my;aù iru ilia l< nj;a Tyq mjid ;sfí' 2010 uy ue;sjrKfha§ ch.%dyS hqo udkisl;ajhg mskaisÿ jkakg md¾,sfïka;=jg mek.;a fujeks rdcmlaIjd§ f.j,hka is;d isákafka furg ck;dj im;a;= iy fïiaj, fjkij;a f;dard.ekSug wiu;a mqoa.,hka njhs' rdcmlaI md,k iufha§ uyskao rdcmlaI uy;d fydrlï l< weu;sjreka we;=¿ ;u fyxphshkaf.a *hs,a <Û ;nd.ksñka Tjqka wdrlaId l< w;r thg m%;Hqmldr f,i tu foaYmd,k{hka ysgmq ckdêm;sjrhd lrk lshk foa ysiauqÿKska ms<s.;a w;r Tyq fjkqfjka yeuúgu ks¾,ÊÔ f,i fmkSisáhy' tjeks wjia:d wm rEmjdyskS újdo jeks wjia:dj,§ ´kE;rï oel we;af;uq' 

ysgmq ckdêm;sjrhd mrdchg m;aùfuka miqjo by; lS foaYmd,k{hka iy fyxphshka ;ju;a Tyq fjkqfjka ks¾,ÊÔ f,i fmkS isá;s' fuu PdhdrEmfha WÈ;a uka;%Sjrhdf.a l%shdfjka meyeÈ,s jkafka thhs' fudjqka me<| isák mdjyka wdjrK lrkakdla fukau ysgmq ckdêm;sjrhdf.a fydrlï" ;lalälï" ¥IK" >d;k ish,a, fidaodyer iqÿ msrejg wkaojd w.ue;s ;k;=r lrd /f.khdug fï jkúg W;aidy lrñka isà' 

fujeks mqoa.,hka ksid ysgmq ckdêm;sjrhdg jeäl,a fkdf.dia isÿjkafka ;udf.a wdrlaIdjg ;u wism; j÷frl=g ,nd§ kskaog .sh rdc l=udrhdg isÿjQ ika;Eishuh'

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