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ckm;s >d;k ie,eiaug 
wdOdr wkqn, ÿka kdu,af.ka 
CIDh m%Yak lsÍu wrUhs

miq.shod w.=Kql=,me,eiafia§ ckdêm;s ffu;%Smd, isßfiak uy;d fjä ;nd >d;kh lsÍug ie,eiqï fldg Bg wdOdr wkqn, ÿka ysgmq ckdêm;s uyskao rdcmlaIf.a w;scd; l=m%lg mq;%hd jk md'uka;%S kdu,a rdcmlaIf.ka m%Yak lsÍu i|yd ,nk 12 jkod wmrdO mÍlaIK fomd¾;fïka;=jg le|jd we;'

kdu,a rdcmlaIf.a iy Tyqf.a mshdf.a wdrlaIlfhl= uÛska .sks wúhla folla iÛjdf.k ckdêm;sjrhd meñKs W;aij Yd,djlg le|jdf.k f.dia tu Yd,dj ;=<§ fjä ;nd ckdêm;sjrhd >d;kh lsÍug ie,iqï fldg ;snQ njg b;d úYajdijka; lghq;= wdrxÑ ud¾. Tiafia jd¾;dfõ'

fï ms<sn|j jk mÍlaIK hg .eiSug;a tajd fjk;a w;lg yerùug;a fn,sw;af;a f,dl= u,a,Sf.a pß;hg mKfmjQ uyskao rdcmlaIf.a w;scd; mq;%hd jk l=m%lg kdu,a rdcmlaI keue;a;d fkd.;a W;aiyhla fkdue;'

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