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cd;sl wdrlaIdjg uqjd ù 
foaYmd,k jdis ,nd.ekSfuka j<lskak 
-wud;H rejka úf–j¾Ok

cd;sl wdrlaIdjg uqjd ù foaYmd,k jdis ,nd.ekSfuka j<lskakehs wdrlaIl rdcH wud;H rejka úf–j¾Ok uy;d b,a,Sula lrkjd' ksfõokhla ksl=;a lrñka ta uy;d fmkajd fokafka wfußldkq tlai;a ckmo rdcH fomd¾;fïka;=j bl=;a od ksl=;a l< jd¾;djla Wmqgd olajñka úmlaIfha foaYmd,k{hska wi;H m‍%pdr f.k hñka isák njhs' j;auka rch rfÜ wdrlaIdj fjkqfjka jeä wjOdkhla fhduqlr ;sfnkjd'

ckdêm;s ffu;‍%Smd, isßfiak uy;d fukau w.‍%dud;H rks,a úC%uisxy uy;d o cd;sl wdrlaIdj iïnkaOfhka j.lSï iy.; f,i lghq;= lrk njhs rejka úf–j¾Ok uy;d ksl=;a l< ksfõokfha oelafjkafka' bl=;a wdKavqj iufha Y‍%S ,xldj iu. ÿria:j lghq;= l< ngysr rgj,a /qila fï jk úg h<s ñ;‍%YS,Sj lghq;= lrñka isákjd' cd;Hka;r t,a'à'à'B' ls‍%hdldrlï u¾okh lsÍu o ta yryd isÿù we;s njhs rejka úf–j¾Ok uy;d fmkajd fokafka'

j;auka rcfha ñ;‍%YS,S úfoaY m‍%;sm;a;sh iy ;‍%ia;jdohg tfrys lghq;= wvmK lsÍug ork W;aiyhka uevmeje;aùu úmlaI foaYmd,k{hskaf.a Wjukdj ù ;sfnkjd' th bÈß ue;sjrK fjkqfjka isÿlrk mgq foaYmd,k ls‍%hdjla njhs wdrlaIl rdcH wud;H rejka úf–j¾Ok uy;d ksl=;a l< ksfõokfha jeäÿrg;a oelafjkafka' 

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