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md¾,sfïka;=j úiqrejd yeÍfï w;s úfYaI 
.eiÜ ksfõokh ksl=;a flf¾
uy ue;sjrKh wf.daia;= 17 jeks od

,nk wf.daia;= udifha uy ue;sjrKh meje;aùug wjia:dj i,iñka md¾,sfïka;=j úiqrejd yeÍug ckdêm;s ffu;%Smd, isßfiak ;SrKh fldg ;sfí'
isl=rdod uOHu rd;%sfha isg n,meje;afjk mßÈ md¾,sfïka;=j úiqrejd yefrk njhs" leìkÜ m%ldYl rdð; fiakdr;ak wud;Hjrhd mjikafka'

ta wkqj uy ue;sjrKh wf.daia;= 17 jeks Èk meje;aùug kshñ; nj wdKavqfõ wdrxÑ ud¾. îîiS ixfoaYhg mejiSh'

20 jeks wdKavql%u ixfYdaOkh md¾,sfïka;=fõ iïu; lr.ekSug fkdyels ùu iy wdKavqjg tfrys úYajdi Nx. fhdackd fya;=fjka md¾,sfïka;=j úiqrejd yeÍu yer ckdêm;sjrhdg úl,amhla fkdue;s njhs" Tyqf.a iïnkaëlrK f,alï Ysrd,a ,la;s,l ixfoaYh l< úuiSul§ lshd isáfha'
zznQurx.hla jqkdZZ

tfy;a 20 jeks ixfYdaOkh iïu; lr.kakd ;=re md¾,sfïka;=j úiqrejd fkdyßk njg wud;H rdð; fiakdr;ak l< m%ldYh ms<sn|j úuiQ wjia:dfõ Tyq i|yka lf<a" ckdê;=udf.a ia:djrh th jQ njhs'
,kuq;a wjdikdjlg 20 jeks ixfYdaOkh iïu; lr.ekSug fkdyels kï md¾,sfïka;=fõ lghq;= mj;ajdf.k hdfï wjYH;djhla ke;s fjkjd", Ysrd,a ,la;s,l i|yka lf<ah'
,; leìkÜ i.hkag tfrysj úYajdi Nx. fhdackdjla f.k tau YS,dpdr fyda hqla;s iy.; kE lsh, ckdêm;s;=ud úYajdi l<d,
w.ue;s rks,a úl%uisxy iy uqo,a wud;H rú lreKdkdhlg tfrys úYajdi Nx. fhdackd kHdhm;%fhka bj;alr.ekSug fyda l,a oud .ekSug ckdêm;sjrhd m%n, W;aidyhla oerE nj i|yka l< Tyq" ,; leìkÜ i.hkag tfrysj úYajdi Nx. fhdackdjla f.k tau YS,dpdr fyda hqla;s iy.; kE lsh, ckdêm;s;=ud úYajdi l<d", hkqfjkao mejiSh'
flfia kuq;a tlai;a cd;sl mlaIh zzwkshï f,iska md,kh lsÍfï wruqKskaZZ úYajdi Nx. fhdackd bÈßm;a l< fmdÿ ck tlai;a fmruqfKa uka;%Sjrekagu wjidkfha tu fhdackd nQurx.hla njg m;a jQ nj;a Ysrd,a ,la;s,l ixfoaYhg mejiSh'
j;auka md¾,sfïka;=fõ ks, ld,h ,nk wfma%,a udifha ksud jk kuq;a" ckm;sjrKfhka Èk 100 lg miqj md¾,sfïka;=j ckm;sjrKfha§ tjlg úmlaIfha fmdÿ wfmalaIlhd jQ ffu;%Smd, isßfiak m%;s{d ÿkafkah'
tfy;a 19 jeks iy 20 jeks jHjia:d ixfYdaOk iïu; lr.ekSï jia wfma%,a 23 jeks Èkg kshñ;j ;snqKq md¾,sfïka;=j úiqrejd yeÍu jßka jr l,a oeóug ckdêm;sjrhdg isÿ úh'

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