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wia.sß kdysñf.a wm%idoh

w.ue;sjrhdg tfrysj úYajdiNx. fhdackdjla bÈßm;a lsÍu fï wjia:dfõ§ iqÿiq ke;ehs wia.sß uydkdhl w;smqcH .,.u w;a;oiais kdysñhka fmkajdfohs'

wia.sß kdysñhka neyeoelSug jeú,s l¾udka; wud;H ,laIauka lsßwe,a, uy;d wia.sß uyd úydrhg Bfha meñKs wjia:dfõ§ we;s jQ l;dny w;r ;=r wia.sß kdysñhka fï nj mejiSh'

tjeks ú‍YajdiNx. fhdackdjla f.ktaug fya;=j l=ulaoehs Wkajykafia weu;sjrhdf.ka úuid isá w;r weu;sjrhd o lshd isáfha kj ckdêm;sjrfhla m;aù .;j we;af;a b;d flá ld,hla jk neúka fï fudfydf;a úYajdiNx.hla f.k tau lsisfia;=u iqÿiq fkdjk njhs'

th wkqu; l< wia.sß kdysñhkao rchla n,hg m;aùfuka wk;=rej ixj¾Ok lghq;= C%shd;aul lsÍug ld,hla .;jk ksid tjka ld,hla ,nd§ug;a l,ska úYajdiNx.hla f.ktau idOdrK fkdjk nj fmkajdÿkafkah'
tfiau wod< úYajdiNx.hg md¾,sfïka;= uka;‍%Sjreka jYfhka úuid ne,Sulska f;drj w;aika ;eîu .ek lk.dgqjk nj;a" “T¿jla ;sfhkjd kï Tfydu lrkafka kE” hkqfjka Wkajykafia wjOdrKh lf<ah'

we;eï uyck ksfhdað;hkaf.a lghq;= ksid ck;dj w;r iduh ìo jefgk njo wia.sß kdysñhka fmkajdÿkafkah'

,nk md¾,sfïka;= ue;sjrKfhka wk;=rej tlai;a cd;sl mlaIh;a Y%S ,xld ksoyia mlaIh;a tlaj wjqreÿ 5la  rg md,kh l< hq;= nj;a" ,nk iema;eïnrfha§ tlai;a cd;Skaf.ka t,a, ùug kshñ; hqo wmrdO fpdaokdjg uqyqK§ug iqÿiqu l%uh th nj;a" weu;sjrhd lshd isáfhah'

uy ix>r;akh yeuúgu m%Odk mlaI foflka n,dfmdfrd;a;= jqfha tu lghq;a; njo weu;sjrhd fmkajdÿkafkah'

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