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wjkay,l .egqfuka
rx.k Ys,amshd msys wekqï ld
uyr.u oS ure olS

uyr.u wjkay,la‌ ;=<§ fomd¾Yajhla‌ w;r Bfha ^29 od& wÆhu 4'15 g muK nyskania‌ ùulska miq we;s jQ .egqul§ rx.k Ys,amshl=g msysfhka wek >d;kh lr we;' fufia >d;khg ,la‌jQfha mkaksmsáh rKjk mdf¾ mÈxÑ isá bkaÈl r;akdhl ^44& kue;s foore msfhls'

fuu rx.k Ys,amshdf.a uqLh iy mmq m%foaYhg msys wekqï 4 la‌ t,a, ù we;s i,l=Kq ola‌kg we;ehs uyr.u fmd,sish mjihs'

fudyq ñ;=rka fofokl= iu. lEu md¾i,a ñ,§ .ekSug wjkay,g .sh wjia‌:dfõ tys§ tu wjkayf,a isá wks;a md¾Yajfha ldka;djl iu. l;dny lrñka isg we;' tys§ tu ldka;dj iu. isá msßfia whl= rx.k Ys,amshd wi,g meñK Tyq iu. nyska nia‌ ù fuu wmrdOh isÿlr we;ehs uQ,sl fmd,sia‌ mÍla‍IKj,§ wkdjrKh ù we;'

rx.k Ys,amshdf.a ìß| úfoaY.;j isák nj;a fudyqo úfoaY.;j meñK we;af;a óg Èk follg fmr nj;a fmd,sish lshhs'

fuu isoaêhg iïnkaO iellre ie.ù isák w;r Tyq w;awvx.=jg .ekSu i|yd uyr.u fmd,sia‌ ia‌:dkdêm;s m%Odk fmd,sia‌ mÍla‍Il Wmd,s ;,., uy;df.a Wmfoia‌ u; wmrdO úu¾Yk wxYfha ia‌:dkdêm;s Wm fmd,sia‌ mÍla‍Il à' fþ' î' fyar;a uy;df.a fufyhùfuka jeäÿr mÍla‍IK meje;afõ'

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