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fofokdu tl u,g fmï lr,d''

>d;kh lr ;snQ Wvj,j isiqjdf.a fmï
mg,eú,a, .ek f;dr;=re fy<sfjhs''

Wvj,j fld<Uf.awdr uyd úÿy‍f,a 11 jeks jif¾ bf.kqu ,enQ yis; trxck ,laIdka isiqjdf.a isrer Èfkl le<Eno m%foaYhl ;sî yuqùu;a iu. fmd,sish úiska Tyqf.a urKh iïnkaO f;dr;=re fï jk úg wkdjrKh lrf.k ;sfnkjd'

ta wkqj fuu >d;khg fya;= ù we;af;a isoaêhg iïnkaO ;%sfrdao r: ßheÿre iy fuu isiqjd tlu ;reKshlg fmï lsÍuhs'

yis; 17 yeúßÈ isiqúh iu.ska fma%u iïnkaO;djhla mj;af.k hk w;r;=r wehf.ka by; lS 21 yeúßÈ ;%Sú,a r: ßhÿrdo wdorh b,a,d ;sfnkjd' ta w;r;=r fuu ;reKsh miqmi ;%sfrdao r: ßheÿrl= jQ 21 yeúßÈ ;reKhd fma%uh b,a,d meñK ;sfí'

ta ms<sn| ish fmïj;d jQ yis;g ;reKsh m%ldY fldg we;s w;r miqj ;%Sú,a r: ßhÿrd;a >d;khg ,lajQ mdie,a isiqjd;a w;r ks;r .egqï ygf.k ;sfí' l,la mej;s fuu wdrjq, u; wjika ;SrKhlg meñK we;s ;%Sfrdao r: ßhÿrd 14 jkod ;j;a ñ;=frl= iu.ska u. /lf.k isg we;af;a ;u ìysiqKq ie,iqu l%shd;aul lsÍu i|ydhs'

m%Yakh úi|d.ksuq hehs mjid mdie,a isiqjd ;%Sfrdao r:hg kxjdf.k .sh fudjqka wudkqIsl f,i msyshlska f.,lmd Tyqj >d;khg ,lalr we;' ta i|yd l,ska ie,iqï l, mßÈ fudjqka msyshlao /f.k f.dia we;'

>d;kfhka miqj ;reKhdj /f.k f.dia le,hlg oud Tjqka msgù f.dia we;s w;r fï jk úg iellrejka fofokdu w;awvx.=jg f.k we;' Tjqkaf.a fy<sorõ u; >d;khg fhdod .;a msysh fidhd.ekSug fmd,sish iu;aj we;'

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