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fmï mg,eú,a,la ksid
>d;khjq Wvj,j isiqjd

Wvj,j - fld<Uf.awdr uyd úoHd,fha bf.kqu ,nk jhi wjqreÿ 17 l mdi,a isiqjdf.a >d;kh iïnkaOfhka ;%Sfrdao r:hla iuÕ fofofkl= 15 od rd;%sfha w;awvx.=jg f.k ;sfnkjd‍'

fmd,sia udOH m%ldYl" iyldr fmd,sia wêldÍ rejka .=Kfialr ioyka lf<a fuf,i w;awvx.=jg f.k we;af;a jhi wjqreÿ 18 iy 21 úfha ;reKhka fofofkl= njhs'
ñ wis; trxck keu;s fuu isiqjd fld<Uf.awdr uyd úoHd,fha 11 fYa‚fha bf.kqu ,enqjd' Wmldrl mka;shla ioyd iyNd.sùug f.dia kej; ksjig fkdmeñŒu fya;=fjka ta ms<sn|j mshd Wvj,j fmd,Sishg meñ‚,s lr ;sfnkjd'

ta wkqjhs isÿl< fidaÈis fufyhqïj,§ fuu isiqjdf.a lemqï ;=jd, iys; u< isrer Wvj,j - ñßiaje,afmd; úoHd,h wi, j;a;l ;sî yuqù we;af;a' 

fma%u iïnkaO;djhla u; fuu >d;kh isÿlr we;s njg uQ,sl mÍlaIKj,§ wkdjrKh jQ njhs fmd,sia udOH m%ldYljrhd jeäÿrg;a ioyka lf<a'

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