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,xldfj f,dl=u l=vqldrfhd"
lismamqldrfhd oeka
bkafka Y‍%s,ksmfha''
Y‍%S,ksmh oeka folvhs''

uu uyskaog .ykak fndaïnhla
we|hg yx.ka ysáhd''
;j;a yx.kak fohla kE''


ksoyia mlaIfha bkak wh tlaflda wms lshk úÈhg bkak ´k' ke;akï ´k fohla lr.;a;foka''

Y‍%S ,xld ksoyia mla‍Ih wo jk úg fom¿ ù we;s nj ysgmq ckdêm;sks pkao%sld l=udr;=x. uy;añh mjihs' weh mjid isáfha furg isák f,dl=u l=vq uqo,d,s,d" f,dl=u lismamq uqo,d,s,d oeka bkafka Y%S,ksmfha njhs' uykqjr§ mej;s ckyuqjla wu;ñkqhs weh fï nj lshd isáfha' jeäÿrg;a woyia olajñka pkao%sld uy;añh '' wfma mlaIh ;=< oeka iEfykak m%Yakhla we;s fj,d ;sfhkjd' yx.kak ´k kE' mlaIh oeka fldgia follg fjka fj,d ;sfhkjd' Y%S ,xld ksoyia mlaIh lSmj;djla fujeks wNsfhda.hka j,g uQK §,d ;sfhkjd' 77 wms merÿkd' fca' wd¾ chj¾Ok n,hg wdjd' w,a,.;a;d wfma mlaIfha m%OdkSkaj lsysm fofkla' ffu;%Smd, fiakdkdhl iy uyskao rdcmlaI'' hehs lshd isáhdh'

ue;sKsh fjkqfjka ;ud iy úch fmkS isá njo" tl,;a ;uka fmdä tlS ksid uyskao rdcmlaI wehj Wiaikak ye¥ neúka úchg;a fydfrka fndaïnhla f.kú;a we`o háka ;ndf.k isáfha wdfjd;a .ykjd hehs is;df.k njo pkao%sld mejiqjdh'

,xldfõ isák f,dl=u u;al=vq uqo,d,s,d" f,dl=u lismamq uqo,d,s,d wo Y%S ,xld ksoyia mlaIh yryd md¾,sfïka;=fõ nj;a" fï wh wms lsh foa ms,swrf.k yefokak wjYH nj;a" tfia fkdue;s kï ta whg ´kE fohla lrmqjdú hehs weh jeäÿrg;a lSjdh'

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