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wdKavqjg tla jqk fya;=j
tia' î' Èidkdhl lshhs

hqoaOfhka miqj oñ, ckhd Èkd.ekSug yd ðkSjd .eg¿ j,g  úi÷ï f,i cd;Hka;r iyh ,nd.ekSug;a hk ldrKdjkag wod<j ckdÈm;s ffu;%Smd, isßfiak uy;dg iyh ,nd§u i|yd wdKavqjg tlajqKq nj .%dóh wd¾:sl lghq;= wud;H tia'î' Èidkdhl uy;d mjihs'

Bfha Èkfha Y%S','ks'm' h ksfhdackh l< wud;Hjreka isõfofkl= wud;H OQr j,ska b,a,d wiaùu iïnkaOfhka .eg¿jla fkdue;s nj o fyf;u i|yka lf<ah'

19 iïu; lr .ekSug mlaIfha kdhlhd f,i ckdêm;sjrhd lrkq ,enQ b,a,Su ms<sf.k wud;H moú ,nd.;a nj;a" 20 iïu; lr .ekSu iïnkaOfhkao iqmqreÿ f,i tcdmh ll=f,ka fkdj fïjk úg fn,af,kau wÈk njo Tyq wjOdrKh lf<ah'

Y%S,ksmh wdKavqfõo úmlaIfhao hk wmeyeÈ,s ;;a;ajh ;ju;a l%shd;aul nj;a" tfia jqjo wdKavqjg tlaùfuka Èkd.;a foao mj;akd nj;a Èidkdhl uy;d lshd isáfha wo^22& fld<U mej;s udOH yuqjl§h'

l,a bl=;ajqKq m<d;amd,k wdh;kj, ks, ld,h udi tl yudrla l,aoud .ekSug yelsjQfhao wdKavqjg tlaùfuka nj;a" th ;j;a §¾> lrk f,i b,a,Sï l<o tfia lrkq ,enqjfyd;a th m%cd;ka;% úfrdaë hhs ckdêm;sjrhd lreKq oelajQ nj;a" flfia fj;;a tu b,a,Su bgqfkdlsÍu;a Bfha Èkfha weu;sjreka wdKavqfjka bj;aùug tla fya;=jla jqKq nj;a Tyq fmkajd ÿkafkah'

tfiau ;uka we;=¿ msßila wdKavqjg tlafkdùkï tlu m<d;a iNdjla fyda Y%S,ksmhg b;sß fkdjkq we;s nj;a" tneúka tho ,enQ jdishla nj;a Èidkdhl uy;d lshd isáfhah'

fuu udOH yuqjg tlajqKq uyskao wurùr uka;%Sjrhd lshd isáfha ;uka wdKavqjg tlaùu ;=<ska wdKavqfjka ;u mlaIfha foaYmd,k kdhlhskag t,a,jk ysßyer wju lr.ekSug yelsjQ njhs'

tfiau wdKavqj ;=< ys¢ñka wdKavqfõ jerÈ j,g tfrysj lghq;= lsÍug yelshdj ,efnk nj;a wurùr uy;d fuys§ jeäÿrg;a i|yka lf<ah'

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