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msys wekqulska fl<jrjQ 
iqrEmS frdIdkdf.a l;dj 7 jeksod rd;%sfha§ j;a;, k.rfha frÈ idmamqjla ;=< ish ;reKfhl= úiska ;shqKq msyshlska wek md;sud relaIdkd biañ kï 19 yeúßÈ ;reKsh >d;khfldg ;sfí'fm%au iïnkaOh ì|jeàfuka is;a ;ejq,g m;a ;reKhd ;u fmïj;shg ;shqKq wdhqOhlska 13 fmd<lg wek /lshd ia:dkfha§u urd oud tu wdhqOfhkau f., lmdf.k oreKq ;=jd, iys;j rd.u frday,g we;=<;a lsÍfuka wk;=rej oekg oeä i;aldr tallfha m%;sldr ,nñka isáhs'

wehf.a >d;khg Èk lsysmhlg m%:u ish ujg wehg we;s Ôú; wk;=r ms,sn| fy<sfldg ;snqKq whqre wef.a uj úiska mejiqfõ fuf,isks'

,wms fokak tl;= fjkjg wïu,;a leue;s kE' ÈfkaIaf.a wïu,;a leue;s kE' ta jqK;a thdg uu wdofrhs' thdg wfma tkak neyehsÆ' thdf. wïu, talg leue;s kE' ug thdf. hkak;a neye' ug wïu,f. whshf.a jpkhg by<ska hkak;a nE' wïfï uu ÈfkaIaj w;ayßkjd' ta;a wïfï ÈfkaIa udj w;yßkafka kE lshkjd' ug lror lrkjd uf.a <Ûg tkjd' w;ska wÈkjd'

thdg udj n¢kak neß kï fjk flkl=g udj whs;s fjkak bv fokafk;a kE lshkjd' wehs wms wdof¾ lf<a lsh,d wykjd' wïfï thd ug fudkj yß lrhs lsh,d ug nhhs' mqxÑ ud tlal wdfõ ke;sodg udj tlalka hkak whsh yß ;d;a; yß fIdma tlg tjkak' ug uf.a riaidfjka whska fjkak nE' tfyu jqfKd;a fldfyduo wms f.j,a l=,S f.jkafka' whshg f.or fiaru nr orkak nE' wdfh;a wïud l=,S jevj,g hjkak;a ug nE',

j;a;, fmd,sish Tyq w;awvx.=jg f.k fmd,sia wdrla‍Idjo imhd ;sfí' fï wmrdOh isÿjQ wdldrh tu wdh;kfha iúlr ;snQ iS'iS'à'ù' leurdj,o igykaj ;snQ nj j;a;, fmd,sish mjihs'

fk;a ksjqia

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