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rks,ag tfrys úYajdiNx.hg
ckm;s ;s; ;nhs

Y%S ,xld ksoyia mlaIfha fyda tlai;a cd;sl mlaIfha w.ue;s wfmalaIlhd f,i ysgmq ckdêm;s uyskao rdcmlaI uy;d kï lsÍug ;ud lsis÷ bvla fkd;nk nj ckdêm;s ffu;%Smd, isßfiak uy;d tlai;a ck;d ikaOdkfha kdhlhskag wjOdrKh lr ;sfnkjd'

ish ksjfia§ Bfha rd;%S ikaOdk kdhlhska yuqjQ wjia:dfõ§hs ckdêm;sjrhd fuu ldrKh meyeÈ,s lr we;af;a '

Y%S,ksm fcHIaGhska jk iqis,a fma%ï chka;" wkqr m%sho¾Yk hdmd fukau jdiqfoaj kdkdhlaldr" äõ .=Kfialr jeks ikaOdk kdhlhska lsysm fofkl=u fuu idlÉcdjg iyNd.S ;sfí'

tfiau" 20 jk ixfYdaOkhg iyh fokjd o @ úYajdi Nx.hg iyh fokjo hk folska tlla f;dard .kak f,i ikaOdk kdhlhskag mjid we;s ckdêm;sjrhd" w.ue;s rks,a úl%uisxy uy;dg tfrys úYajdi Nx.hg Y%S ,xld ksoyia mlaIfha lsis÷ iyhla ,nd fkdfok njo tu mlaIfha kdhlhd f,i wjOdrKh lr ;sfnkjd' flfiajqjo" wo ^28& kdrdfykamsg wNhdrdufha§ mej;s udOH yuqjl§ ‘uyskao lKavdhfï’ m%Odkshl= jk md¾,sfïka;= uka;%S uyskaodkkao wÆ;a.u‍f.a uy;d lshd isáfha" j;auka rchg yd w.ue;sjrhdg tfrysj úYajdiNx.hla f.k tk njhs'

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