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lhsÜia ´whsiS we;=¿ 
W;=f¾ fmd,sia f,dlalka /ilg
ia:dk udre

hdmkh m%foaYh Ndr fcHIaG fmd,sia wêldßjrhd"fmd,sia wêldßjrhl= yd iyldr fmd,sia wêldßjrfhl=" fukau lhsáia yd hdmkh fmd,sia ia:dkdêm;sjreka we;=¿ W;=f¾ fmd,sia ks,OdÍka msßilg jydu l%shd;aul jk mßÈ ia:dk udreùï ,nd§ ;sfí'

ta wkqj hdmkh fcHIaG fmd,sia wêldÍ ,laIauka ùrfialr uy;d iS;djlmqr fcHIaG fmd,sia wêldÍjrhd f,i;a" tys isá cHේIG fmd,sia wêldÍ ví'fla' ch,;a uy;d hdmkhg;a
udrelr hjd we;s nj i|ykah'

hdmkh fmd,sia wêldÍ G'J'A' úf–fialr uy;d ls,sfkdÉÑhg;a" ls,sfkdÉÑfha iyldr fmd,sia wêldÍ D'S'D' ùrisxy uy;d hdmkhg;a" ukakdru iyldr fmd,sia wêldÍ U'A'

P' m%kdkaÿ uy;d hdmkhg;a" hdmkfha iyldr fmd,sia wêldÍjrhd jQ P'A'K'A' fiakdr;ak uy;d uq,;sõ j,g;a" uq,;sõ iyldr fmd,sia wêldÍ R'A'D'E'L' rkafoKsh uy;d hdmkhg;a udrelr hjd we;'

lhsÜia ys uQ,ia:dk fmd,sia mÍlaIl Q'R' fmf¾rd uy;d ukakdru fmd,sia fldÜGdifha idudkH rdcldßj,g;a udrelr hjd ;sfí'

tfiau hdmkh fmd,sia ia:dkfha uQ,ia:dk fmd,sia mÍlaIl B'M'R'K'B' nd,iQßh uy;d jõkshdj fmd,sia n, m%foaYfha idudkH rdcldßj,go" je,a,j;a; fmd,sia ia:dkfha ia:dkdêm;s F'U'K' jQÜ,¾ uy;d" hdmkh uQ,ia:dk fmd,sia mÍlaIljrhd f,i;a udre lr hjd we;'

hdmkh" mqxl=vq;sõ ys 18 yeúßÈ mdi,a isiqúhl ¥IKh lr urdoeófï isoaêh iïnkaOfhka w;awvx.=jg .;a iellrejkag tfrys oeä oඬqjï muqKqjk f,i n,lrñka ‍hdmkh wêlrKh mßY%hg tlajQ msßila miq.shod úfrdaOh m< l<y'

tys§ fmd,Sish tu iellrejka Widúhg f.k tau m%udo ùu ksid we;sjQ .egqïldÍ ;;a;ajh fya;=fjka oeä fkdikaiqka;djla j¾Okh jQ w;r tys§ ;;a;ajh md,kh lrkq jia fmd,Sish úiska úfrdaO;dlrejkag l÷¿ .Eia m%ydr t,a, lrk ,§'

flfia fj;;a fuu isÿùu fya;=fjka hdmkh wêlrK mßY%hg oeä ydks isÿjQ w;r tys§ fmd,sia ks,OdÍka lsysmfofkl=go ;=jd, isÿúh'

fuys§ hdmkh Widúhg ydks lrñka l,yldÍ f,i yeisreKq mqoa.,hska 130 fofkl= w;awvx.=jg f.k rlaIs; nkaOkd.dr .; lr ;sfí'

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