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nnd yïnfj,d
f.or .syska n,oaÈ
f*daka tlla wïudf.a
nv we;=f,a kdo fj,d''

ore m%iQ;shla i|yd frday,a .;jQ ldka;djlg wkfmalaIs; f,i uqyqK §ug jQ wlr;eínhla ms<sn|j fï jk úg úfoia udOH jd¾;d lrkjd' fuu wlr;eínhg uqyqK § we;af;a fcda¾odkfha wïudka k.rfha ldka;djls'

fuu ldka;dj frday,a .;ùfuka wk;=rej isfiaßhka ie;alula u.ska orejd m%iQ; lr we;s w;r ffjoHjrhdg w;miqùulska ie;alu w;r;=r wehf.a Worh wNHhka;rfha cx.u ÿrl;khla ;sìh§ ie;alu wjika lr we;'

miqj Èklska muK we;sjQ WordndOhla fukau Worh ;=< ÿrl;khl kdoùula fya;=fjka weh kej; frday, fj; f.dia we;s njhs jd¾;djkafka'

wehf.a Worh m<uqjr mÍlaId lsÍfï§ fï ms<sn|j f;dr;=re wkdjrKh ù fkdue;s kuq;a miqj wehf.a oeä b,a,Su u; fojk jr mÍlaId lsÍfï§ ÿrl;kh yuqù we;'

fcda¾odkfha fi!LH wud;Hjrhd fuh m%;slafIam lrk w;r fï ms<sn|j jeäÿr mÍlaIK fï jk úg meje;afjkjd'

flfia kuq;a fcda¾odkfha úmlaIh mjikafka fuu fya;=j ksidfjka mj;sk rch b,a,d wiaúh hq;= njhs'

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