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;%ia;jdoh h<s ysi tiùug 
lsis÷ bvla ;nkafka keye
- ckdêm;s ffu;%Smd, isßfiak

kj rchla f,i cd;sl wfmalaId Yla;su;a lsÍu iEu wjia:djl isÿ lrk nj;a wdrlaIdj m%Odk fldg f.k fjku kj cd;sl wdrlaIl ie,eiaula fï jk úg l%shd;aul fjñka ;sfnk w;r ;%ia;jdohlg fï rfÜ ysi tiùug bvla ke;s nj;a ckdêm;s ffu;%Smd, isßfiak uy;d wjOdrKh lf<ah'

;%ia;jdoh ksud lr ud;D NQñhg ksoyi Èkd .ekSfï ft;sydisl Èkh isysm;a flfrk úch.%yKfha yhjeks ieureï Wf<, ckdêm;s ffu;%Smd, isßfiak uy;df.a m%Odk;ajfhka wo ^19& fmrjrefõ ud;r iuqo% udjf;a§ wNsudkj;a whqßka meje;s w;r tys§ ckdêm;s;=ud fï nj mejiSh'

kj rch m%;sm;a;s ixj¾Okh iy ixys¢hdj we;s lsÍu i|yd lghq;= lrk nj;a ixys¢hdj wjYH nj meyeÈ,sj f;areï .; hq;= nj;a ckdêm;s;=ud i|yka lf<ah'

ixys¢hdj ;=< iduh" .fõIKh" hqla;sh bgq lsÍu" ishÆ ckfldgia w;r ìh" iel" wúksYaÑ; nj fjkqjg fyd| ys; we;s lsÍu yd fN!;sl foa f.dvke.Sug lghq;= lrk nj;a tu ksid ixys¢hdj f;areï f.k lghq;= l< hq;= nj;a ckdêm;s;=ud fuys§ fmkajd ÿkafkah'
úfYaIfhka jir 30lg wdikak ñf,aÉP ;%ia;jdoh wjika lr rfÜ iduh" talSh nj" fN!ñl wLKav;djh" ud;DNQñfha Wreuh wdrlaId l< Èkhla f,i fuu Èkh kï l< yels nj fmkajd ÿka ckdêm;sjrhd t,aààB ñf,aÉP hqoaOh ksid Ôú; oyia .kkla wysñ jQ w;r ðú; mß;Hd.fhka igk ch.%yKh lsÍug rKúrejka lem jQ nj o fmkajd ÿkafkah'
1280 oYlfha isg hqo ch.%yKh i|yd Wrÿka lem jQ rdcH kdhlhska w.h l< hq;= w;r tys§ rKjrejkaf.a lem lsÍu ñ, l< fkdyels nj o mejiSh' úfYaIfhkau ì÷Kq f.dvke.s,s" levqKq mdrj,a" levqKq úkdY jqKq fN!;sl iïm;a h<s f.dvke.Su we;s jqK;a ì÷Kq is;a h<s f.dvk.kakg mYapd;a hqo iuh ;=< ixys¢hd ms<sfj;la C%shd;aul fkdjQ nj;a tu ksid kj rcfha m‍%;sm;a;sh jkafka ixj¾Okh iy ixys¢hdj nj;a i|yka lf<ah'
wo fuka fyg WmÈk orejka fjkqfjka rchla f,i ishÆ wxY ÈhqKq l< hq;= nj;a ;%súO yuqodj we;=¿ fmd,Sish" isú,a wdrlaIl wxYh ta i|yd wjYH lem ùu fï jk úg isÿ lr ;sfnk nj fmkajd ÿka ckdêm;sjrhd fyg ojfia ixj¾Okh ixys¢hdj tlu wdldrhg l%shd;aul l< hq;= w;HjYH lreKla jk nj;a jeäÿrg;a i|yka lf<ah'

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