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uyskao ;udf.a iïnkaOhla ke;ehs lshk
vqndhs ueßhÜ ,laI y;g;a iem ldur
fydag,fha iem fïkak


uyskao rdcmlaI ysgmq ckm;s ;udf.a iïnkaOhla ke;ehs ksfõokfhla tjñka mejiQ vqndhs ueßhÜ fydag,fha wefußld fvd,¾ 550 ^remsh,a 72649'50& isg ldur myiqlï we;' rg rgj, ckm;sjreka we;=¿ m%N=kag isáh yels úfYaI ldurhl Wmßu ñ, wefußld fvd,¾ 5500 ^remsh,a 726495'00& ls'

fuu fydag,h .sh jif¾ iema;eïnr 15 jeks od újD; l< nj;a" ldur 351la yd wkq ksjdi ueÈß 128la we;s nj;a kkaok f,dl=ú;dk tys ysñlre nj;a" Tyq wdfhdackh l< uqo, wefußld fvd,¾ fldaá 22'5la ^remsh,a fldaá 2972'03& nj;a fâ,s ksõia mqj;am; 2014 wf.daia;=fõ § jd¾;d 

leì;sf.d,a,Ej ueojÉÑfha bmÿKq f,dl=ú;dk 1989 § we.¿ïlïy,l fiajhg vqndhs .sh nj;a ueßhÜ ne÷Kq nj;a mqj;am; lshhs'

f,dal=ú;dk Y%S ,xld jdfka ixia:dfõ ysñlre nj o lshhs'

f,dl=ú;dkf.a mshd úÿy,am;sjrfhls' ;u ksjfia jyf,a mS,a, ls;=,a fldghla folg m,d idod.;a nj;a Tyq lshhs' fyaka jev l< uj fyak fldgd ñßia weg biSfuka miq jk i;=ka t<ùug .sksf.dvj,a .idf.k isá nj o Tyq mjihs' msysôhf.d,a,Ej mdif,ka mfya YsIH;ajh iu;aùfuka miqj fydrKg wjq;a ckdêm;s úoHd,hfha ku jeks fYa%Ksh olajd wOHdmkh ,enQ nj;a" miqj wkqrdOmqr ksj;a;lfÉ;sh úÿyf,ka idudkH fm<o" wkqrdOmqr ueÈ úÿyf,ka Wiia fm<o iu;a jQ nj o Tyq lshhs'

;ud bkaðfkarejl= lsÍu uõmshkaf.a woyi jqj;a Tjqkaf.a wlue;a;msgu 1989 § vqndhs /lshdjg wd nj o Tyq lshhs'

1989 § wefußld fvd,¾ 225l jegqmlg wd ;ud bka jir 25lg miqj wefußld fvd,¾ fldaá 22'5la wdfhdackh lr Y%S ,xld Ocho f,,fok ueßhÜ fydag,h bÈ l< nj;a" udi y;rlg jrla uõmshka vqndhs le|jk kuq;a Tjqka Èk lsysmhlg jvd tys /£ isàug wlue;s nj;a Tyq i|yka lrhs'

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