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wïud fidhdf.k 
fko¾,ka;fha isg ,xldjg
wdj fhd,ka 

ujlg jákdu iïm; ish orejka jkakd fiau" orejkag;a fuf,dj we;s jákdu iïm; fjkafka ;u uõmshka' ta ksiduhs úúO fya;=ka u; orelug yod.kak fjk;a uõmshkag Ndr flfrk orejka miqld,Skj ;ukaf.a ienE uõmshka fidhd f.k tk mqj;a wmg wikakg ,efnkafka' 

weh fhd,ka jka vhsfkdajka' oekg mÈxÑh fko¾,ka;fha' óg jir 30 lg fmr fko¾,ka; hqj,la fhd,ka trgg /f.k hkafka fld<U Èid wêlrKfhka ,nd .;a kS;Hkql+, ksfhda.hlao iuÕhs'

1985 fmnrjdß 4 jeksod bmÿKq fhd,kag wef.a ienE ujjk ,shkf.a ,d,kS § ;snqKq ku jqfKa kso¾YkS'  ;ukaf.a ienE uj ms<sn|j fidhd.ekSfï wruqK we;sj weh fiùfï lghq;= wrUkafka óg jir 12 lg fmr'

tod isg wo olajd weh" ,shkf.a ,d,kS kï ;u ienE uj fidhd furgg wjia:d .Kk 9 la'

-uu yßhg lk.dgqfjkjd' fudlo ug ;du;a neßjqKd uf.a mjq, fidhd .kak' uu n,dfmdfrd;a;= fjkjd kej; uu tkfldg uf.a mjq, fidhd .kak mq¿jka fjhs lsh,d' uu fydrK m%foaYfha uf.a uj fiõjd' yeu fokdu ug Woõ l<d' ta;a ;ju;a ug uf.a uj fidhd .ekSug yelsjqfKa keye' B<. ief¾j;a furg ck;djg mq¿jka fjhs lsh,d ys;kjd ug uf.a wïud fidhd .kak Wojq fjkak' uf.a wïud ug yßu jeo.;a' ta ksid uu lk.dgqfjkjd ug ;du;a thdj fydhd .kak fkdyelsjqK tl .ek'

fko¾,ka;fha ye§ jevqKq fhd,ka fï jkúg trg jHjydßl úoHdj ms<sn| úYajúoHd,hl lÓldpd¾hjßhla f,i fiajh lrkjd' ta wkqj weh h<s;a fko¾,ka;h n,d msgj .sfha ;u uj fidhd kej;;a furgg meñŒfï wruqK we;sjhs' wef.a tlu b,a,Su ,shkf.a ,d,ks kï ;u uj ms<sno l=uk fyda f;dr;=rla we;akï ;udg okajk f,ighs'

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