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.S;d hldkghs
W;aijhg wkdrdOkfhka
lvd mekak .S;df.a rÕmEfuka
mdi,u wkaÿka l=kaÿka

.S;d l=udrisxy uy;añh nf,ka l;djla lr,

we,amsáh wdkkao úÿyf,a kj ;dlaIK úoHd.drh újD; lsÍfï W;aijhg wkdrdOkfhka meñ‚ we,amsáh m<d;a iNd uka;%S .S;d l=udrisxy uy;añh nf,ka l;djla lr msgù .shdh'ta jk úg ckudOH weue;s .hka; lreKd;s,l uy;d W;aijhg iyNd.S fjñka isáfhah'

.S;d l=udrisxy uy;añh l;d lrñka fufia lSjdh'
‘uuhs fï úoHd.drhg uqo,a ,nd .;af;a' ysgmq ckdêm;sg" ysgmq wOHdmk weue;sg lshd m%;smdok ,nd .;a;d' tfy;a iure M,lfha uf.a kuj;a kE' ug l;djlaj;a kE' ug wdrdOkh lf<;a kE' fïjd foaYmd,k uelalkaf.a jev' ug foaYmd,kh tmd fj,d ;sfhkafka'˜‍

.S;d ish l;dj wjika lr ish nE.h o /f.k läkñka neyerj .shdh'
weue;s lreKd;s,l uy;d wef.a l;djg ijka § lsis;a fkdlshd isáfhah' Tyq lSfõ ;ud mdif,a § foaYmd,kh l;d fkdlrk njhs'

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