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neis,af.a ìß|f.a mqKH mokug
fldaá 60la nerùu ms<snoj
mÍlaIK wrUhs''

fld<U w¨‍;ska bÈflreK jrdfha bÈlsÍï lghq;= i|yd fldka;%d;a;=jla ,nd.;a Ök iud.ulska remsh,a ñ,shk 600 ^fldaá 60& uqo,la mqIamd rdcmlaI kue;s mokfï .sKqulg nerùfï isoaêhla iïnkaOfhka fld<U uQ,H wmrdO fldÜGdih mq¿,a mÍlaIKhla wdrïN lr ;sfí' neis,a rdcmlaI uy;df.a ìß| jQ mqIamd rdcmlaI uy;añh hgf;a fuu moku ia:dms; lr ;sfí'
jrdfha bÈlsÍï lghq;=j, fldgila ndrf.k ;snQ Colombo International Container Terminal kue;s iud.u tlu fplam;lska iDcqju fuu ñ,shk 600 uqo, tu mqIamd rdcmlaI mokfï .sKqug ner lr ;sfí'

mqKH mokula f,i tu moku msysgqjd we;;a tys uqo,a th msysgqjd.;a wh úiska fm!oa.,slju mßyrKh lrk njg uQ,H wmrdO fldÜGdYh ;yjqre lrf.k ;sfí'

tu Ök wod< jrdh ixj¾Ok lghq;=j,g wod< fldka;%d;a;=j mejÍu msgqmi tjlg rcfha ysgmq m%n, weu;sjrhl= isáhs'

tu weu;sjrhd tu wod< fldka;%d;a;=j mejÍfï§ Tyqg ‍iud.fuka ,enqKq fldñia uqo, jQ ñ,shk 600 iDcqju Tyq úiska ndr fkdf.k wod< zmqIamd rdcmlaI mokfïz .sKqug nerlrjd we;s njgo f;dr;=re ,eî ;sfí'

tu ish¨‍ f;dr;=re ;yjqre lr .ekSfuka wk;=rej tu jxpdjg iïnkaOj mqoa.,hka uQ,H wmrdO fldÜGdih fj; le|jd Tjqka jxpdjla isÿ lr ;sfnk nj Tmamq jqjfyd;a th nrm;< jxpdjla fyhska Tjqkag tfrysj kS;s uÕska lghq;= lsÍug mshjr .kq we;'

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