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wmsg ÿkak fõokdj oeka f;afrkjo @
ysgmq w'úksiqre YsrdKs nKavdrKdhlf.a 
mq;d kdu,af.ka wihs'

wmg ÿka fõokdj kdu,a,dg oeka f;afrkjd we;s hehs ysgmq w. úksiqrejßhf.a mq;a Yùka nKavdrkdhl" kdu,a rdcmlaI Tyqf.a f*ianqlsfha m<lr ;snQ f*ianqla igyklg ms<s;=re jYfhka úuid ;sfnkjd' fojir ;=, md¾,sfïka;= uka;‍%S kdu,a rdcmlaI we;=Æ msßi úiska ;uka yd ;u mjqf,a idudðlhska mSvdjg m;a l, wjia:dfõ ;uka we;=¿ ish mjq, uqyqK ÿka udkisl mSvkh wo kdu,a rdcmlaIg f;areï f.dia we;aoehs ysgmq w.úksiqre YsrdKs nKavdrKdhl uy;añhf.a mq;a jeäÿrg;a tys m‍%Yak lr ;sfnkjd'

ta ;ukaf.a uj yd fidfydhqrka mSvdjg m;a fkdlrkakehs b,a,ñka kdu,a rdcmlaI uka;‍%Sjrhd f*ianqlayS ;nk ,o igykg ms<s;=re f,ihs' iufha ;u uj yd mshd w,a,ia fldñiug f.k hñka ysgmq ckm;s we;=Æ mjqf,a i.hska úiska oeä mSvdjg m;al, njhs Tyq fmkajd fokafka'

;u ujg tfrysj f.k wd fhdackdfja§ kS;s úfrdaëj lghq;= lrñka isÿl, C%shd fua jk úg m,foñka we;s njo Yùka nKavdrKdhl ioyka lr ;sfnkjd'ta wkqj ysgmq ckm;s we;=Æ mjqf,a idudðlhskago w,a,ia fldñiu " uQ,H wmrdO fldÜGdYh we;=Æ wdh;k fj; hdug isÿj we;s njhs Tyq wjOdrKh lrkafka'
tu igyk my;ska'

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