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kf¾kao% fudaÈ Y‍%S ,xld md¾,sfïka;=j wu;oa§
úu,a úfrdaOh mdhs'' 

bka§h w.ue;s kf¾kao% fudaÈ Bfha Èkfha Y‍%S ,xld md¾,sfïka;=j wu;oa§ cd;sl ksoyia fmruqfKa kdhl md¾,sfïka;= uka;‍%S úu,a ùrjxY uy;d Tyqg ksyv

úfrdaOh mdñka md¾,sfïka;=fjka keÕsg f.dia ;sfí'

fï iïnkaOfhka l, úuiSul§ ùrjxY i|yka lf,a bka§h w.ue;sjrhd úiska 13 jk jHjia:d ixfYdaoKh uq¿ukskau C%shd;aul l, hq;= njg fld<U§ l, m‍%ldYh iïnkaOfhka ksyv úfrdaOh m, lsÍula f,i fudaÈ w.‍%dud;Hjrhd md¾,sfïka;=j wu;kakg iQodkï fjoa§ ;uka bka msgj wd njhs'

1987 jif¾§ w;aika ;enqKq bkaÿ ,xld .súiqu hgf;a 13 jk jHjia:d ixfYdaOkh ia;dms; flrKq w;r tjlg cúfm foaYfma‍%ñ ;reKfhda Bg úfrdaOh md ujqìu ke;akï urKh hhs lshñka 60"000la Èú msÿy' ta uyd ixydrfha ú;a;slrejka yd cd;sl úOdhl iNdj, iekfyk wo cúfm f,dlaflda fydre w,a,uq'' fydre w,a,uq w¨;a igka mdGh w;g f.k we;'

Bfha Èkfha cúfm ksfhdað;fhda fudaÈg w;afmd,ika foñka md¾,sfïka;=fõ miqjQy'

wfkl fudk oy;=klao'' Tjqkg fydre w,a,kag ;sfí'

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