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lmdoeuQ ñksia mdo hq.,la
fougf.dv we<lska f.dv.;a yeá

wo ^14& WoEik lmd oeuQ mdo hq.,la fougf.dv - isßOïu udj; wi, l=Kq we<l ;sî fidhd .;af;a fougf.dv fmd,sishg ,enqKq f;dr;=rlg wkqjhs'

fuh msßñ mqoa.,fhl=f.a mdo hq.,hla njghs isÿlrk ,o mÍlaIKj,ska ;yjqre ù we;af;a' fï jkúg wod< mdo hq.,h mYapd;a mÍlaIKhla i|yd fld<U cd;sl frdayf,a uD; YÍrd.drh fj; fhduqlr ;sfnkjd'

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fmd,sia udOH m‍%ldYl ld¾hd,h i|yka lf<a lsishï mqoa.,fhl= fyda lsysmfofkl= úiska Bfha ^13& rd;‍%sfha fuu mdo hq.,h wod< l=Kq we<g oud f.dia we;s njg iel lrk njhs'

th oKysig w.,a 6 la muK by<ska lmd oud we;s njhs fmd,sish jeäÿrg;a i|yka lf<a' isoaêh iïnkaOfhka wo WoEik fmd,sia lKavdhï lsysmhla mÍlaIK wdrïN l< w;r" ta i|yd fmd,sia ks, iqkLhka o fhdod .eKqkd' flfia fj;;a fuu mdo hq.,h ms<sn|j ksjerÈ f;dr;=re fuf;la ;yjqre ù fkdue;s w;r isoaêh iïnkaOfhka ;jÿrg;a fmd,sia mÍlaIK ls‍%hd;aul njhs fmd,sia udOH m‍%ldYl ld¾hd,h i|yka lf<a'

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