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wdk,aÙ"chiQßh twitter lr,d
Y%S ,xld ms<g iqN m;hs

f,dal l=i,dk l%slÜ ;,sfha § tx.,ka;h mrod ,enq úYsIaG ch.‍%dyKh fjkqfjka Y‍%S ,xld lKavdhug kkafoiska iqNme;=ï .,d tñka ;sfnkjd' ysgmq ckdêm;s uyskao rdcmlaI uy;d Y%S ,xld l%slÜ lKavdhfï ch.%yKh fjkqfjka iqN m;d mKsúvhla tla lr ;sfnkjd' Üúg¾ mKsjqv ;nñka f,dj ìysjq úYsIaG l%Svlfhl= jk Íls fmdkaáka mjikafka Y‍%S ,xld lKavdhfï ms;slrKh úYsIaG njhs'

Y‍%S ,xld lKavdhfï ch.‍%dyKh ;ukag mqÿuhla fkdjq njo Tyq i|yka lr ;sfnkjd' tfy;a mkaÿ heùu ;jÿrg;a j¾Okh lr .; hq;= nj fmdkaákaf.a 

woyihs' cd;Hka;r úia;r úpdrl ri,aÙ wdk,aÙ o m‍%ldY lr we;af;a ix.laldr iy ;ssßudkakf.a ms;slrKh úYsIaG njhs'

Y‍%S ,xld f;aÍï lñgq iNdm;s ik;a chiQßh o Üúg¾ igykla ;nñka Y‍%S ,xld lKavdhfï ch.‍%dyKhg iqNme;=ï tlalr ;sfnkjd' ufya, chj¾Ok" <ysre ;sßudkak iy ÈfkaIa pkaÈud,a we;=¨ lKavdhfï l%Svlhska /ila ,enq ch.‍%dyKh ms<sn| i;=g ish Üúg¾ .sKqïj, igyka lr ;sfnkjd'

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