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kd.ßl ixj¾Ok c,iïmdok yd c,dmjyk wud;HdxYhg wh;a wdh;k follska md,k iufha § meje;s W;aij follg iyNd.S jQ Nd;sh ix;=Ia ix.S; lKavdhug remsh,a ,laI ydrishhl uqo,la f.jd we;ehs fy<sorõ ù we;'

fn,a,kaú, fõ/iai .Õ ixj¾Ok jHdmD;sh újD; lsÍfï W;aijhg iyNd.S jQ fï ix.S; lKavdhug bvï f.dvlsÍfï ixia:dfjka remsh,a ,laI 270lao" Ydka; fcdaka ud¿ fjf<|fmd< m%;sks¾udKh lrñka újD; l< wjia:dfõ§ meje;s W;aijfha§ kd.ßl ixj¾Ok wêldßh uÕska fï .dhk Ys,amSka fofokdgu remsh,a ,laI 130la jYfhka f.jd we;ehso fy<sorõ ù we;'

fï wkqj fï ix.S; lKavdhug W;aij wjia:d foll§ remsh,a ,laI ydrishhl uqo,la f.jd we;s njg wkdjrKh ù we;' md,k iufha§ rcfha W;aij wjia:d ‍/ila fuu .dhlhka fofokdf.a ,nd § ;snq w;r tafjkqfjka wêl uqo,la f.jQ njgo tjlg fpdaokd t,a,ù ;sì‚'

cd;sl fiajl ix.ufha ksfhdað;hka úIhNdr weue;sjrekag jljdkqfõ§ kd.ßl ixj¾Ok" c,iïmdok yd c,dmjyk wud;HdxYhg wh;a fï wdh;kj, isÿj we;s ¥IK yd jxpd /ila iïnkaOfhka meñ‚,s lr we;'

tfukau fï ish¨‍ wdh;k j, isÿj we;s ¥IK yd jxpd iïnkaOfhka úêu;a mÍlaIKhla isÿ lsÍugo úIh Ndr weue;sjreka ;SrKh ler we;' tfukau ckdêm;sjrKh iufha§ bvï f.dvlsÍfï ixia:dj kd.ßl ixj¾Ok wêldßh we;=¿ wdh;k .Kkdjl isÿj we;s ¥IK" jxpd" uqo,a wjNdú;hka rdcH iïm;a ue;sjrKhg fhdod .ekSu wdÈh iïnkaOfhka lreKq /ila cd;sl fiajl ix.uh fy<sorõ lr we;'

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