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Y%S ,xldj tx.,ka;h mrojhs
;sßudkakg 139 ix.dg 117

f,dal l=i,dk l%slÜ ;,sh hgf;a wo fj,skagka kqjr mej;s Y%S ,xld tx.,ka; l%slÜ ;r.fhka tx.,ka;h mrod úYsIag ch.%yKhla w;alr.kakg Y%S ,xld ms, iu;a jqKd' tx.,ka;h ,nd.;a ,l=Kq 309 Y%S ,xldj miq lf<a 47'2 jk ´jrfha§h'

ldisfha jdish Èkd uq,ska mkaÿjg myr ÿka tx.,ka; bksfï uq,a fldgfia§ 

úYd, jeä ,l=Kq .Kkla lrd hk ,l=Kq fmkakqï fkdl<;a fn,a^49& m<uq lvq,a,g tlalr.;a ,l=Kq 62 in|;djh;a yd rEÜ^121& ;=kajk lvq,a,g we;s lr.;a ,l=Kq 60 l iy y;rjk lvq,a,g we;s 

lr.;a ,l=kq 98 iin|;djhl;a ksid id¾:ljQ ms;slrejka njg m;ajQ w;r ´jr 50 wjidkfha tx.,ka;h ,l=Kq 309 g lvq¿ 6 la ,nd ;snqKd' fuys§ ,xldfõ mkaÿ hjkakka 6 fokdu tla lvq,a, ne.ska muKla ,eîu úfYaI isoaêhls'

Y%S ,xld bksfï§ id¾:l wdrïNhla ,nd.;a ä,aIdka yd ;sßudkak ,l=Kq 100 l m<uq lvq,a,g in|;djhla f.dvke.+ w;r ä,aIdka Wv mkaÿjlg ±ù .sfha ,l=Kq 44 §h' wk;=rej msáhg msúis ix.laldr yd ;sßudkak tlaù b;d id¾:l f,i bksu f.dv ke.+fõ ,l=Kq 212 l úYd, in|;djhla f.dvk.ñks'

fofokdu fkd±ù ,xldj ch.%yKh olajd f.k .sh w;r ix.laldrg ,l=Kq 117 lao ;sßudkakg ,l=Kq 139 lao ,eî ;snqKd'
f,dal l=i,dk ;r.hl§ ,xldfõ <dnd,u Y;l ,dNshd njg wo ;sßudkak m;ajqKd' mkaÿ 86 l§ ,l=Kq 117 la .;a ix.laldr ;r.fha ùrhd jqKd' ,l=Kq igyk my; mßÈh'

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