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iamkaok Ñ;%mgh
(Video + Photos)

isxydjf,dalkh Ñ;%mgfhka iskud ðú;hg w;afmd;a ;enq iqfk;a ud,sx. f,dl=fyajd ;ukaf.a ks¾udK ðú;fha È.= .ukla hdug ierfik olaI fhdjqka wOHlaIljrfhla'iskudjg ;Èkau wdorh lrk iqfk;af.a fojeks Ñ;%mgh iamkaok wo^18&mgka Èjhsk mqrd iskudYd,dj, ;sr.; lSßu wdrïN lrkq we;s' 

ufyakaø fmf¾rd" È,aydks talkdhl" .sydka m%kdkaÿ" o¾Yka O¾urdÊ" Y,ks ;drld" nqjks pdmd" ;siqß hqjksld" ksuka;s fmdarf.a" .sjka; w¾:id;a" ks,añ‚ fldaÜfgf.dv rx.kfha fhfok 

iamkaok c.;a tka' hdmdf.a ksIamdokhls' iydh ksIamdokh fukau leurdlrKh m%Nd;a frdaIkaf.ks' wOHlaIKhg wu;rj msgm;a rpkh iy úOdhl ksIamdokh o iqfk;a ud,sx. úiska isÿ lrhs' OkqIal chj¾Ok iydh wOHlaIjrhdh' wð;a y;aje,a,f.a l,d wOHlaIKhls' 

Wydka ´úg wx. rpkfhka tlajk fuys miqìï ix.S;h Woh Y%S úl%uisxy ksu lrhs' kkaok ú .S; rpkhls' k¾:k wOHlaIKfhka .hdka Y%Sud,a o ksIamdok l<ukdlrKfhka ;drl wêldß o odhl fj;s' udOH iïnkaêlrKh wekagka fP–' m%kdkaÿf.ks'  

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