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h<s;a foaYmd,khg
tkafk kE - ik;a chiQßh

h<s foaYmd,khg tlaùfï woyila ;udg fkdue;s nj Y%S ,xld l%slÜ f;aÍï lñgq iNdm;s ud;r Èia;%sla md¾,sfïka;= uka;%S ik;a chiQßh uy;d mejiSh'

Tiag%,shdfõ isâks kqjr§ flá ms<si|rlg tlafjñka ik;a chiQßh uy;d fï nj i|yka lf<ah' ta uy;d fufiao lSh'

il%sh foaYmd,kh ug oeka tmd fj,d' uu ys;kafka keye uu wdfh;a foaYmd,k msáhg ths lsh,d' ug i;=gqhs È.gu fï úÈyg l%slÜj,g fiajh lrñka thg iydh ,nd fokak' fldfydu jqK;a uu i;=gq fjkjd Y%S ,xld l%slÜ fjkqfjka jeä fohla lsÍug ,eìu ms<sn|j' uu jvd i;=gq fjk fohla ;uhs fï ;rï ÿrla wfma ms, f,dal l=i,dkfha bÈßhg meñKSu' n,uq wmg bÈßhg hkak yels fõú' tfyu jqfKd;a ug th foaYmd,khg jvd i;=gla f.k fokjd'

Y%S ,xldj 1996 f,dal l%slÜ l=i,dkh Èkd jir 19la Bfha Èkg iïmQ¾K lsÍu .ek o ik;a chiQßh isysm;a lf<ah'

Oïñl r;akùr 

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