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wdrlaIl f,alï
î'tï' hQ'ã' niakdhl

wdrlaIl f,alï î'tï' hQ'ã' niakdhl uy;d tu Oqrfhka bj;a lsÍug cd;sl úOdhl iNdfõ § idlÉPd l< nj leìkÜ m%ldYl weue;s rdð; fiakdr;ak uy;d mejish'
ysgmq ckdêm;sksh pkao%sld l=udr;=x. ue;sksh m%uqL úOdhl iNdfõ ksfhdað;hka lsysm woyi jQfha wdrlaIl f,alïjrhdf.a l%shdldÍ;ajh;a tu Oqrhg WÑ; fkdjk ksid Tyq tu Oqrfhka bj;a lsÍu nj fiakdr;ak uy;d jeäÿrg;a mjid isáfhah'

wdrlaIl f,alïjrhd úiska wejka.dâ iud.fï iNdm;s fïc¾ ksYaYxl fiakdêm;s uy;dg úfoaY.; ùu i|yd Tyqf.a .uka n,m;%h uqodyßk f,ig kS;sm;sjrhd fj; ,smshla hjd ;sîu .egÆldÍ l%shdjla nj;a wud;Hjrhd fmkajd ÿkafkah'
fiakdêm;s uy;df.a .uka n,m;%h uqod yeÍu tu iud.u iïnkaOj mej;afjk mÍlaIKhkag fjk;a f,ilska n,mdkq we;ehso weue;sjrhd lshd isáfhah'
flfiajqjo" cd;sl úOdhl iNdj yqÿ foaYmd,k tallhla‌ nj;a" ksfhda. ,nd§ug tu iNdjg lsisÿ ffk;sl n,hla‌ ke;s nj;a tu lñgqfõ idudðlhl= jk cúfm kdhl wkqr l=udr Èidkdhl uy;d miq.shod lshd isáfhah'

Tyq tfia i|yka lf,a" mdfjk wú .nvd isoaêh iïnkaOfhka flreKq mÍlaIKj,g wkqj ysgmq wdrlaIl f,alïjrhd jydu w;awvx.=jg f.k mq¿,a mÍlaIKhla meje;aúh hq;= hhs cd;sl úOdhl iNdj talu;slj ;Skaÿ l< njg fi!LH weue;s yd leìkÜ m%ldYl rdð; fiakdr;ak uy;d od l, m%ldYh ms<sn|j woyia olajñks'

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