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ckm;s ialhsma yryd
Y%S ,xld l%slÜ lKavdhug
iqn m;hs (Photos)

fujr f,dal l=i,dk ls‍%lÜ ;,sfha wjika ch.‍%dyS lKavdhï 8 w;rg iqÿiqlï ,nd isák YS‍% ,xld ls‍%lÜ lKavdhug ckdêm;s ffu;S‍%md, isßfiak uy;d ish iqn me;=ï tla l<d' YS‍% ,xld ls‍%lÜ kdhl wekacf,da ue;sõia we;=¿ lKavdhu iu. ialhsma ;dla‍IKh Tiafia iïnkaO jQ ckdêm;sjrhd ish iqn me;=ï tlal< njhs ckdêm;s udOH tallh mejiqfõ'

 tfukau 2015 ls‍%lÜ f,dal l=i,dkh YS‍% ,xldjg /f.k taug Yla;sh iy ffO¾h ,efíjdhso ffu;S‍%md, isßfiak uy;d m‍%d¾:kd lr ;sfnkjd'

tfukau 2015 f,dal l=i,dk ;,sh ;=< iqúfYaIs ola‍I;d olajñka f,dal jd¾;d lsysmhla msysgjQ l=ud¾ ix.laldrf.a ola‍I;do ckdêm;sjrhd fuys§ w.h lsÍug ,lalr ;sfnkjd'

 ud;D N+ñfha lS¾;s kduh f,dalh yuqfõ m‍%o¾Ykh lsÍu fjkqfjka l=ud¾ ix.laldrg ckdêm;sjrhd fuys§ ia;=;sh m< l< njhs ckdêm;s udOH tallh m‍%ldY lf<a' w.‍%dud;H rks,a úC%uisxy uy;do ialhsma ;dla‍IKh Tiafia YS‍% ,xld ls‍%lÜ lKavdhug iqNdYsxIK tlalr ;sfnkjd'

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