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wfma%,a ui md¾,sfïka;=j
zúiqrejkafka kEZ

cd;sl wdKavqjla msysgqùfuka wk;=rej wod< jHjia:d ixfYdaOk l%shd;aul lsÍu msKsi ;j;a ld,h wjYH neúka ,nk cqks udifha uy ue;sjrKh fndfyda ÿrg fkdmeje;aùug bv ;sfnk nj lïlre lghq;= ms<sn| kj rdcH wud;H Ôjka l=udr;=x. mjihs'

zzfndfyda ÿrg fï wfma%,a 23 jeksod úiqrejd yeÍu isoao fjkafka keye' wmsg Bg biafi,a, lrkak f,dl= ld¾hNdrhla ;sfhkj"ZZ njhs kj wud;H moúfha Èjqreï §fuka wk;=rej îîiS ixfoaYh iu. ixjdohlg tlafjñka wud;Hjrhd lshd isáfha'

ffu;%Smd, isßfiak ckdêm;sjrhdf.a Èk ishfha jevms<sfj,g we;=,;a úOdhl ckdêm;s l%ufha n,;, wvq lsÍu iy ue;sjrK l%uh ixfYdaOkh lsÍu we;=¿ ld¾hhka bgq lsÍfuka wk;=rej uy ue;sjrKh meje;afjk Èkh ;SrKh flfrkq we;s njhs wud;Hjrhd mjikafka'

Y%S ,xld ksoyia mlaIfha uka;%Sjreka 26 fofkla kj leìkÜ wud;Hjreka" rdcH wud;Hjreka iy ksfhdacH wud;Hjreka f,iska ckdêm;sjrhd bÈßfha Èjqreï ÿkay'

flfia kuq;a ksu,a isßmd, o is,ajd uka;%Sjrhd È.gu úmlaIkdhl Oqrfha lghq;= lrkq we;s nj;a wud;H Ôjka l=udr;=x. i|yka lf<ah'

tfy;a th Y%S ,xld ksoyia mlaIfha fn§ula fkdjk nj wud;Hjrhd wjOdrKh lf<ah'

md¾,sfïka;=fõ m%Odku mlaI fol jk tlai;a cd;sl mlaIh iy Y%S ,xld ksoyia mlaIh cd;sl wdKavqjlg tla ù isák wjia:djl" úmlaIfha m%Odku mlaIh njg m;ajk fou< cd;sl ikaOdkhg úmlaIkdhl Oqrh wysñ ùu widOdrKhla f,iska fmkS hkakg bv ;sfnkafka fkdfõo hkak îîiS ksfõol ifrdaÊ m;srK weu;sjrhdg fhduq l< m%Yakhla'

tfy;a Y%S ,xld ksoyia mlaIh iq¿;rfha wdKavqjlg wjia;dj ,nd § zúYd, lemlsÍulaZ fldg ;sfnk neúka th widOdrKhla f,iska ;uka fkdolsk njhs" wud;H Ôjka l=udr;=x. thg m%;spdr jYfhka lshd isáfha'

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