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mdlsia;dka weue;sjrfhla ,xldfõ
.‚ld cdjdrul
mehlg fvd,¾ 3000hs

mdlsia;dka iqkaor hqj;shka fhdod by< fmf<a jHdmdßlhka we;=¿ úúO ;rd;srïj, mqoa.,hkag ;re‚hka imhk mdlsia;dka weu;sjrhl= úiska fufyhjk cdjdrula fidhd.;a ú.uk nqoaê ksÍlaIK wxYh tu cdjdrfï fhÿk ;re‚hka úis fokl=o w;awvx.=jg .kq ,eîh'

mehlg fvd,¾ ;=kaoyil uqo,la tla ;re‚hla fjkqfjka wh lrk tu cdjdrug fhdod .kakd tu ;re‚hka leisfkda rd;%s iudc Yd,dj, kegqïj, fhfok ;re‚hka f,i lghq;= lrk w;r t;ekska fudjqka .‚ld jD;a;shg fhdod .kshs'

ixpdrl ùid u.ska furgg meñK úúO ;remfya fydag,aj,g f.dia jHdmdßlhka iuÕ fufia .‚ld jD;a;sfha fhoùfï cdjdru msgqmi mdlsia;dka weue;sjrhd iuÕ furáka iïnkaO jk msßila iy ;j;a .‚ldjka isák njg ,enqKq f;dr;=re u; Tjqka fidhd.ekSugo ú.uk nqoaê ksÍlaIK wxYh mÍlaIK isÿlrhs'

w;awvx.=jg .;a ;re‚hkaf.ka ú.uk nqoaê ksÍlaIK wxYh m%Yak lrf.k hhs' fuu ldka;djkag ixpdrl ùid ld,h bl=;aù udi .Kkdjla .;ù we;s njo mejfia'

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