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wr,sh ueÿr bÈßmsg u,afmdaÉÑ ;dmamh bj;a lrhs (Photos)

wr,sh.y ukaÈrh bÈßmsg ;dmamfha ieris,a,la f,i fhdod ;snqKq y;<sia mkaoyila muK jk u,afmdaÉÑ f;d.h wo tu ia:dkfhka bj;a lr oeuqKd'

bl=;a fmdÿrdcH uKav,hSh rdcH kdhl iuq¿j fjkqfjka fuu u,ame, ieris,a, ilia flrefKa remsh,a ,laI 30l muK uqo,la jeh lrñka' idudkHfhka udihlg tys ;snqKq u,ame, ;=kaoyila muK ñ njhs w.‍%dud;H ld¾hd,h mejiqfõ' tajd fjkqfjka kj u,ame, wvx.= fmdaÉÑ ;ekam;a lsÍug isÿ jQ nj;a  kv;a;= yd udisl c, ì, fjkqfjka úYd, uqo,la jeh lsÍug isÿjk nj;a tu ld¾hd,h i|yka l<d'

miq.shod fuu u,ame, mÍlaId l< fmardfo‚h WoaNso WoHdkfha wOHlaI ckrd,ajrhd ks¾foaY lr we;af;a u,ame, fírd .ekSu i|yd fmdÉÑj, mia bj;a lr wÆ;a mia fhdojk f,ihs' tjeks lghq;a;la i|yd ;jÿrg;a uyck uqo,a kdia;s l< fkdyels neúka th iïmQ¾Kfhka bj;a lsÍug ;SrKh l< nj w.‍%dud;H f,alï iuka talkdhl uy;d i|yka l<d'

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