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rdð;f.a mqf;la Èh‚h biaiqjd¨‍
- uõmshkaf.ka meñ‚,a,la

tfia isÿùula isÿù we;akï fmd,sishlg f.dia meñ‚,a,la l< hq;hs
udOH idlÉPd Widúhlg f.dia kvqjla f.dkq lrkak
-rdð; fiakdr;ak uy;d

fi!LH yd foaYSh ffjoH wud;H rdð; fiakdr;ak uy;df.a nd, mq;%hd úiska ;u Èh‚h meyerf.k f.dia r|jd ;ndf.k isák nj  wod<  Èh‚hf.a foudmshka mjihs'isoaêhg iïnkaO Èh‚hf.a foudmshka úiska wo^15&  mej;ajQ  udOH yuqjl§ fï nj i|yka lrk ,§'
ta wkqj  2014 fmnrjdß udifha§ weue;s rdð; fiakdr;ak uy;df.a mqf;l= jk tlai;a fiakdr;ak uy;d úiska  ßhlska  meñK tjlg 16 yeúßÈ úfha isá ;u Èh‚h meyer.;a .sh nj;a"  l=re÷j;a; fmd,sishg yd cd;sl <ud rlaIK wêldßhg fï nj meñ‚,s l< kuq;a thska  lsisÿ m<la fkdjQ nj;a wod< Èh‚hf.a mshd tys§ i|yka lf<ah'

tfiau ;u Èh‚h ;ukg ndr§ug fmdfrdkaÿù wehf.a wOHdmk lghq;= lrf.k hdug bv fok nj Tjqka mejiQjo th  isÿfkdjQ nj;a"  tod isgu Èh‚h Tjqka ndrfha r|jdf.k isák nj;a Èh‚h oel.ekSug  fyda iïnkaO lr .ekSug  lsisu bvla ke;s njo fyf;u mejiqfõh'

fï fya;=fjka  ;udg iy ;u ìß|g n,j;a udkisl mSvdjla mj;sk njo  Tyq wjOdrKh lf<ah'

;ukg idOdrKh bIaG lr fok f,i  ckm;s  ffu;%smd, isßfiak uy;d"  rks,a úl%uisxy w.ue;sjrhd  yd ldka;d lghq;= weue;skS frdais fiakdkdhl uy;añhf.kao  b,a,d we;s nj  tysÈ ta uy;d  jeäÿrg;a mejiqfõh'

flfia fj;;a isoaêh iïnkaOfhka weu;s rdð; fiakdr;ak uy;df.ka úuiSul§ Tyq i|yka lr isáfhah th wuq,sl wi;Hla njhs'tfiau  tfia isÿùula isÿù we;akï fmd,sishlg f.dia meñ‚,a,la l< hq;= nj;a" udOH idlÉPd fkdmj;ajd Widúhlg f.dia kvqjla f.dkq l< hq;= nj;a ta uy;d i|yka lr isáfhah'

;jo  fujka jq wdldrfha uv .eiSï ;ukag tk nj óg fmr isáu ;ud oek isá nj;a" furfÜ ¥Is;hskag úreoaOj lghq;=  lsÍfï§ wksjd¾hfhkau fujka jq uv .eiSï isÿ jk nj;a weu;sjrhd  jeäÿrg;a lSfõh'

‍fuu isoaêh iïnkaOfhka fmd,sia udOH m%ldYl iyldr fmd,sia wêldÍ rejka .=Kfialr  uy;d mejiqfõ meyer.k hEug ,lajqfha hehs lshk wod< ;eke;a;sh <ud yd ldka;d ld¾hxYg f.k f.dia   jhi ms<sn|j mÍlaId lr ne,Sf易 ta jk úg;a tu ;eke;a;shg jhi wjqreÿ 16 jeä nj wkdjrKh jq njhs'

tfiau ;udf.a foudmshka iuÕ isàug ;ud wlue;s nj;a" ;ud  iuÕ oekg isák ;reKhd iuÕ isàug leu;s nj;a"  meyer.ekSug ,lajqfha hehs lshkq ,nk ;eke;a;sh úiska tys§  m%ldYhla lr we;s nj fmd,sia udOH m%ldYljrhd lshd isáfhah'

;jo ,xldfõ mj;sk kS;suh ;;a;ajh  wkqj hï lsis ldka;djlg jhi wjqreÿ 16 jeä kï wehf.a leue;af;ka hïlsis mqoa.,fhl= iuÕ f.dia isàkï th wmrdO jrola fkdjk nj ta uy;d  jeäÿrg;a i|yka lf<ah'

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