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uyskaog yd úu,ag
tcdmfha iyh ,eì,d
- ffu;%S

ysgmq ckdêm;s uyskao rdcmlaI uy;df.a yd ysgmq wud;H úu,a úrjxY uy;df.a j;auka foaYmd,k lghq;= j,g iuyr tcdm kdhlhskaf.a wkq.%yh ,eî we;ehs ckdêm;s ffu;%Smd, isßfiak uy;d fpdaokd lrhs'

Y%S ,xld mokï wdh;kfha ^14& mej;s tlai;a ck;d ikaOdkfha m%OdkSkaf.a /iaùu wu;ñka ckdêm;sjrhd tnj i|yka lf,a" wod< mqoa.,hskaf.a kï .ï fy<sorõ fkdlrñks'

Y%S,ksm kdhlhska fukau" ÈfkaIa .=Kj¾Ok" v.a,ia foajdkkao" fmdä wmamqydñ yd uyck mlaIfha ksfhdað;hska o fuu /iaùug iyNd.S ù isáfhah'

uyskao w.ue;s lrk f,i b,a,ñka" úu,a úrjxY uy;d mj;ajk /iaùu ud,dj flfrys wjOdkh fhduql< mlaI kdhlhska" kj wdKavql%u jHjia:d ixfYdaOk yd kj ue;sjrK l%uh ms<sn|j ck;dj oekqj;a lr,Su i|yd §mjHdma; /iaùu ud,djla meje;aùug o ;SrKh lf<ah'

tfiau cd;sl fy< Wreuh" Y%S ,xldfõ fldñhqksiaÜ mlaIh yd ,xld iuiudc mlaI j,go ikaOdkhg tlajk f,i wdrdOkd lsÍugo tys§ ;SrKh úh'

tfiau" ikaOdkfha mqrmamdvq ù mej;s cd;sl ixúOdhl Oqrhg ckl nKavdr f;kakfldaka uy;d;a"  Wm iNdm;sjrhl= f,i v.a,ia foajdkkao uy;d;a" Wm f,alïjrhl= f,i uyskao wurùr uy;d;a f;dard m;alr .kq ,eìh'

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