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iqrdie,a 349 la jihs

mdi,a" úydria:dk fyda fjk;a wd.ñl ia:dkj,g ógr 500lg jvd ,.ska msysgqjd ;sfnk iqrdie,aj, n,m;‍% jydu wj,x.= lrkakehs ckdêm;s ffu;‍%Smd, isßfiak uy;d iqrdnÿ flduidßia fckrd,ajrhdg Wmfoia § ;sfnkjd' ta wkqj rgmqrd úúO m‍%foaYj, msysgqjd ;sfnk iqrdie,a 349la wo isg jid oefukq we;s'

ckdêm;sjrhdf.a m‍%Odk;ajfhka Bfha miajrefõ /iajq taldnoaO u;ao%jH ksjdrK fufyhqï lñgqj fuu ;SrKhg t<eU ;sfnkjd' u;ao%jHj,g weíneys jqjka mqkre;a:dmkh lsÍug o m‍%uqL;dj ,ndÈh hq;= njhs fuys§ wjOdrKh flrefKa' ta i|yd wjYH kS;s läkñka iïmdokh lrkakehs ckdêm;sjrhd kS;sm;sjrhdg Wmfoia ,nd ÿkakd'

nQiai t<suyka isrl|jqf¾ oekg isák /|jqjka fjk;a isrl|jqrlg fhduqlr tu ia:dkh u;ao%jHj,g weíneysjqjka mqkre;a:dmkh lsÍug fhdod .;yels njhs ckdêm;sjrhd jeäÿrg;a fmkajd § ;sfnkafka' u;ao%jH jeg,Sï o ;jÿrg;a ;Èka C%shd;aul l< hq;= njg ckdêm;sjrhd fmd,siam;sjrhdg Wmfoia § ;sfnkjd'

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