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úOdhl ckdêm;s l%uh wfydais lrk njg fmdfrdkaÿ jqfKa keye 
- cd;sl fy< Wreuh lshhs

úOdhl ckdêm;s Oqrh wfydais lrk njg lsisÿ wjia:djl§ wdKavqj fmdfrdkaÿ ù fkdue;s nj cd;sl fy< Wreuh mjikjd'uyf,alï" md¾,sfïka;= uka;%S mdG,S pïmsl rKjl uy;d i|yka lf<a" w;a;fkdau;sl n,;, wfydais lr m%cd;ka;%jd§ wdKavq l%u jHjia:djla y÷kajd fok njg fmdfrdkaÿ jQ njhs'
ta wkqj wo oji jk úg tlS fmdfrdkaÿj bgq lr we;s njhs rKjl uy;d i|yka lf<a'úOdhl ckdêm;s Oqrh i;=j ;snQ wiSudka;sl n,;, md¾,sfïka;=jg mjrñka ck;d leue;a;g bv ,nd§ we;s nj wud;Hjrhd lshdisáhd' fld<U wo^16& meje;s udOH yuqjlg tlafjñka wud;Hjrhd tu woyia m< l<d'

rg wia:djr lsÍug lsisfia;au bvfkd;nk nj;a"ue;sjrK l%uh ixfYdaOkh lsÍfï§ tl tlaflkd i;=gq lrk l%ufõohla fkdj ck;dj i;=gq lrk l%ufõohla úh hq;= njo Tyq fmkajd ÿkafkah'

fuu wjia:djg tlajQ cd;sl fy< Wreufha niakdysr m<d;a iNd uka;%S ksYdka; Y%S j¾Kisxy uy;d lshd isáfha Èk 100 jevms<sfj< miaig oud w.ue;s rks,a lghq;= lrk njhs'

Èk 100 jevms<sfj, l%shdjg kexùug Tyq fmruqK f.k l%shdl< hq;= nj;a" tfia l< fkdyelskï th Tyqf.a wfmdfydi;alu nj;a j¾Kisxy uy;d i|yka lf<ah'

md¾,sfïka;=j úiqrejd yeÍu l< yelafla ckdêm;sjrhdg ñi tcdm lD;HdêldÍ uKav,hg fkdjk njo fyf;u wjOdrKh lf<ah'

fuys§ udOHfõ§ka úiska wik ,o m%Yak j,g m%;spdr olajñka j¾Kisxy uy;d lshd isáfha fïjk úg ìysj we;af;a hQ'weka'mS wdKavqjla nj;a" th uy;a fodaIhla nj;ah'

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