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foaYmd,kfha § cd;sl we÷u
rdcldßfha § ks, we÷u w¢kjd

;ud foaYmd,k lghq;=j, ksr;jk úg cd;sl we÷u;a rdcldÍ wjia:dj,§ ;k;=rg wod< ks, we÷u;a Ndú; lrk nj *S,aâ ud¾I,a ir;a f*dkafiald uy;d mjihs'

tfiau rfÜ hym;a foaYmd,k ixialD;shla f.dvke.=Kfyd;a ;uka foaYmd,kh w;yeÍug iQodkï njo ,xldmqj;a isÿ l< úuiSul§ f*dkafiald uy;d i|yka lf<ah'

lsisÿ ;%ia; Wjÿrl n,mEula Y%S ,xldjg oeka ke;ehs o ta uy;d lshd isáfhah' tfiau whs' tia' ;%iajd§ka ms<sn| woyia olajñka mjik ,oafoa tjeks ;%ia; n,mEula fyda ueÈy;aùula Y%S ,xldfõ fkdue;s njhs' Y%S ,xldfõ fjfik wysxil uqia,sï ck;dj fï rgg tfrysj lsisÿ whqrlska lghq;= fkdlrkq we;ehs ;uka úYajdi lrk njo Tyq mejiSh' rdcmla‍I rch iufha § wjia:d lsysmhl§ Y%S ,xldfõ wdrla‍Il iïuka;%K mj;ajd furg hqo w;aoelSu iy udkqISh fufyhqu iïnkaOfhka úfoia rgj, wdrla‍Il m%OdkSka iu. woyia yqjudre lr .kq ,eîh' j;auka rch hgf;a tjeks jevms<sfj,la mj;skafka o hkafkka ,xldmqj;a l< úuiSug ms<s;=re foñka *S,aâ ud¾I,a ir;a f*dkafiald uy;d lshd isáfha bÈßhg o Y%S ,xldj tjeks iïuka;%K ixúOdk lrkq we;s njhs' tys j.lSu we;af;a rdcH wdrla‍Il wud;HxYhg nj fmkajd ÿka f*dkafiald uy;d" ish iyfhda.h ta i|yd wjYH njg rch ;SrKh l<fyd;a fkdmels,sj thg iyfhda.h fok nj i|yka lf<ah'

fckr,a ir;a f*dkafiald uy;d *S,aâ ud¾I,a ks,hg Wiia lsÍfï W;aijh ckdêm;s ffu;%smd, isßfiak uy;df.a m%Odk;ajfhka ^23od&fld<U wdrlaIl uQ,ia:dk mßY%fha§ meje;aúKs' tys§ f*dkafiald uy;d *S,aâ ud¾I,a ks,hg Wiia lsßfï ikakia m;%h ckdêm;s;=ud úiska ndr fok ,È'

f,dalfha hqo yuqod ks,Odßfhl=g msßkefuk by,u ;k;=r f,i *S,aâ ud¾I,a ;k;=r jk w;r th Y%S ,xldfõ mqoa.,fhl=g m<uq j;djg ysñjqfha ir;a f*dkafiald uy;dgh'

*S,aâ ud¾I,a ;k;=r ysñjk ;eke;a;dg ks,Odßka 4fofkl= we;=¿ fiiq ks,hka 150lska hq;a Oqrhl wdpdrhka ,eîug iqÿiqlï ysñfõ' tfukau tu ;k;=r ysñjkakg jegqma ,eîug o ysñlï ,efnk w;r Tyqf.a lghq;= mj;ajdf.k hdu ioyd Tyqg ðú; ld,hg n,mdk whqre f,alï ld¾hd,hla iy fiajl uKav,hla ,efí'

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