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uqyqK jidf.k f.< is|ouk
ðydâ fcdaka ISIS ;%ia;hd
ms<sn|j f;dr;=re fy<sfjhs

f,dj mqrd fndfyda msßila w;r wm%idoh Èkd.ksñka ;%ia;jd§ l%shd rdYshlg j.lsj hq;=ISIS ;%ia;hskaf.a m%Odk w¿f.daiqjd ms<sn|j fï jk úg f;dr;=re wkdjrKh ù ;sfnkjd' miq.shod ksl=;a l, f., is| urdouk ùäfhda rdYshl fmkS isg we;af;a fudyq jk w;r tys§ Tyqf.a uqyqK wdjrKh lrf.k isàu ksidfjka y÷kd.; fkdyelsj ;snqKd'

flfia kuq;a fï jk úg Tyqf.a PdhdrEm" l=vd wjêh fukau mdie,a ld,h ms<sn|j f;dr;=r fy<sorõ lr.ekSug iu;a ù ;sfnkjd' l=vd l, ,kavka k.rfha bf.kqu ,nd we;s fudyq mdie,a ld,fha b;d ksy~ pß;hla f,ihs ld,h .;lr we;af;a'

wd.u oyug jvd mdmkaÿ l%Svdjg we,aula olajd we;s fudyq mdief,a b;d Wkkaÿfjka jevlghq;= lr ;sfnkjd' Tyq jeäfhkau wdYd l, mß.Kl l%Svdj ù we;af;a Time to Kill kï l%Svdjhs' tfukau leu;su .%ka:h ù we;af;a How to Kill a Monster kï fmd;hs'

l=fõÜ ys Wm;,nd we;s fudyq jhi wjqreÿ 6§ tx.,ka;hg meñK we;' tys§ wka;jd§fhl= f,iska 2012 jif¾§ isßhdjg mekf.dia we;s fudyq 12 j;djla fmd,sia w;awvx.=jg m;aùug f.dia we;' kuq;a tu iEu wjia:djlu Tyqg thska ñ§ m,dhkakg yelsù we;'

Tyqf.a mshd l=,S r: ßhÿfrl= jk w;r tx.,ka;hg tk;=r;a lsisÿ bx.%Sis oekqula Tyqg fkdùh' miqj jeäÿr wOHdmkh i|yd úYaj úoHd,hg msúi we;s fudyq tys§ wka;jd§ka iuÕ iïnkaO;d f.dvk.df.k we;' bka wk;=rej Tyq ISIS ;%ia;hsf.a l,a,shg tl;= ù we;s njhs jeäÿrg;a jd¾;djkafka'

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