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ug oeka fcda;sIH .ek úYajdihla kE

;udg fï jk úg fcda;sIH iïnkaOfhka úYajdihla fkdue;s nj ysgmq ckdêm;s uyskao rdcmlaI uy;d mjihs'mlsia:dk udOHhfõÈkshl úiska Èkl ysgmq ckdêm;s uyskao rdcmlaI uy;dg  fhduq lrk ,o m%Yka lsysmhlg ms<s;=re foñka ta uy;d‍ fï nj i|yka lr we;s nj úfoaY jd¾;d fmkajd fohs'

tfiau tlai;a ckmoh" hqfrdamh" ngysr  furfÜ ienE ñ;%hka fkdjk nj;a" mlsia:dkfha  úfYaIfhka uqIdr*a furgg úYd, jYfhka Wmldr l< we;s nj;a" fyf;u tu wjia:dfõ§ m%ldY lr ;sfí'

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tu iÕrdfõ udOHfõÈhd ckm;sf.a ixjdoh wjikafldg ;snqfka fuf,isks'

udOHfõÈhd ( ug fïl wykak isoaofjkjd'''Tn ;ju;a fcda;sIH úYajdi lrkjdo@
ysgmq ckm;s ( oeka kï úYajdi lrkafka keye''^iskdfiñka&

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