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fpdaokd ms<sn| zf.daGdNhz ish,a, fy<s lrhs 
mdfjk wú .nvdfjka fydr jev lf<a kE


fï Èkj, l;dnyg ,lafjk rlakd ,xld wdrlaIl iud.u lsisÿ kS;s úfrdaë iud.ula fkdjk nj;a th rchg wh;a iud.ula nj;a ysgmq wdrlaIl f,alï f.daGdNh rdcmlaI uy;d mjihs'Tyq fï nj i|yka lr isáfha Bfha ^16& rd;%S forK rEmjdysks kd,sldfõ úldYh jQ 360 foaYmd,k jevigyk iuÕ tlafjñkah'
ta wkqj rlakd ,xld leìkÜ wkque;sh ,eî we;s nj;a" wod< iud.fuka rdcH wdh;k úYd, m%udKhla ish wdrlaIl lghq;= isÿlr .ekSug lghq;= l< we;s nj;a ta uy;d i|yka lf<ah'

tfiau wejka.dâ iud.u hgf;a mj;ajdf.k .sh mdfjk wú .nvdj  hkq tlai;a cd;Skaf.a ixúOdkhg mjd rel=,la jq iud.ula nj;a" tys lsisÿ kS;s úfrdaë lghq;a;la isÿ fkdjq nj;a tu iud.u iïnkaOfhka úYd, meyeÈ<s lsÍula isÿ lrñka ta uy;d mejiqfõh'

we;euqka fpdaokd lrk wdldrhg fndÿ n, fiakd ixúOdkh iuÕ ;udf.a lsisÿ iïnkaOhla fkd;snq  nj;a" ;ud iy ;u ifydaorhd jk ysgmq ckm;s uyskao rdcmlaI uy;dg uqia,sï ck;dj iuÕ  úriel ùug lsisÿ  fya;=jla fkd;snq nj;a fyf;u i|yka lf<ah'

;jo ;udg wfußldjg .shfyd;a isÿjkafka úÿ,s mqgqfõ jdä ùug nj;a" t,a'à'à'B' ys;jd§ka n,d isákqfha th isÿjkjd oel .ekSug nj;a oaú;aj mqrjeisNdhla we;s ysgmq wdrlaIl f,alï jeäÿrg;a mejiqfõh'

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