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lsß fjfyr msxlfï

Wvrg .Súiqug jir 200la msßu yd foaYfha ksjy,a Ndjh fjkqfjka Èú ÿka ùrjrhskag msx wkqfudaoka lsÍu fjkqfjka l;r.u lsßfjfyr wNshi § ysgmq ckdêm;s uyskao rdcmla‍I uy;df.a m‍%‍%Odk;ajfhka msxlula ^15od& ikaoHdfõ§ meje;aúKs'

uúìu fldá ;‍%ia;jdÈkaf.ka uqod jir 06 la .;aúuo hqoaOfha È ñh .sh rKúrejka isys lsßuo fuu jev igyfka ;j;a wruqKls'

fyajis mqcdjlska miq wk;=rej wIaG M< fndaêrdchd bÈßmsg fndaê mqcdjla meje;aúKs' ñh .sh rK úrejkag msx wkqfudaoka lsßfuka miq lsßfjfyr wNshi § cd;sl ùr m‍%;s{dj bÈßm;a lr uyd ix> r;akh fi;a msß;a foaYkd l<y'

t,a,dj, fïOdkkao ysñ" l;r.u lsßfjfyr úydrdêm;s fldnjl Oïñkaoysñ" mo,x., Oïufoaj ysñ" wdpd¾h ueof.dv wNh ;siai ysñhka yd l;r.u lmq.u irK;siai ysñfhdao W!j m<d;a ysgmq m‍%Odk wud;H YIskao% rdcmla‍I ysgmq wrlaIl f,alï f.daGdNh rdcmlaI" ysgmq wud;Hjreka jk úu,a ùrjxY" .dñKs f,dl=f.a" nkaOq, .=Kj¾Ok" ÈfkaIa .=Kj¾Ok " l=udr fj,a.u' Who.ïukams, we;=`M msßila fuu wjia:djg tlaú isáhy'

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