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ysgmq ckdêm;s uyskao rdcmlaIf.a ñßydfka msysá ksjfia ,shdmÈxÑ ,smskh jYfhka mj;ajdf.k f.dia we;s iud.ula ms<sn|j f;dr;=re wkdjrKh fõ'

wod, iud.u Chesmi Consolidated ^Pvt&Ltd kï jk w;r tys ,shdmÈxÑ ,smskh jYfhka i|yka jkafka wxl 175$2 mrK fldÜgdj mdr ñßydk hkakh' tu ,smskh ysgmq ckdêm;s uyskao rdcmlaI jdih lrk fld<U ksji fõ' tu iud.fï wOHlaIjrhd jYfhka i|yka jk ysud,a ,,skao% fyÜáwdrÉÑ uy;d uyskao rdcmlaI uy;df.a ifydaoßhf.a mq;%hd fõ'

fuu iud.u ckdêm;s mq;a kdu,a rdcmlaIg 2012 j¾Ifha§ remsh,a ñ,shk 15l ^remsh,a tlafldaá mkia y;a,laI ye;a;E ;=kaoyia mkia yhl re' 15"773"056& fm!oa.,sl Khla ,nd§ we;s w;r Bg wu;rj tu j¾Ifha§u CSNkd,sldjg remsh,a ñ,shk 25l ^remsh,a fofldaá mkia fo,laI ye;a;E mkaoyil re' 25"275"000& f.ùula isÿlr we;'

óg wu;rj Chesi Trading ^Pvt& Ltdhg remsh,a ñ,shk 9l ^remsh,a wkQkj,laI ye;a;Eoyia tlish ;sia ;=khs Y; mkyl re' 9"970"133'50& uqo,lao Celera Solution^Pvt& Ltdhg remsh,a ñ,shk 7l ^remsh,a ye;a;E y;a,laI wgoyia oywghs Y; tfld,yl re' 7"708"018'11& uqo,lao f.jd ;sfí'

fuu iud.u vhf,d.a iud.fï W;=r iy ke‍f.kysr m<d;aj, ksIamdok yd fiajd fnodyßkakd jYfhkao lghq;= lr we;'

by; PdhdrEmfhka ‍oelafjkafka tu iud.fï wOHlaIjrhd jYfhka i|yka jk ysud,a ,,skao% fyÜáwdrÉÑ uy;df.a PdhdrEmhls'

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