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wkqr wudrefõ''
újdohg tkakehs wejka.dÙ
fiajlfhda cúfm uQ,ia:dkh

ck;d úuqla;s fmruqfka kdhl wkqr Èidkdhl uy;dg úfrdaOh m, lrñka wejka.dÙ wdrla‍Il iud.fï fiajhla msßila Bfha oyj,a me,j;af;a msysá cúfm uQ,ia:dkh bÈßmsg úfrdaO;djhl ksr; úh'

Tjqka mjid isáfha cúfm kdhlhd mjikafka wuQ,sl fndre nj;a Tyq t,a, lrk fpdaokd iunkaofhka ;u iud.fï iNdm;sjrhd úiska újdohla i|yd lr we;s wNsfhda.h ie`.ù fkdisg ndr.kakd f,ihs'

ck;d úuqla;s fmruqK ìys jQ od isg fï olajd jQ ld,h ;=, fndÿ uy ck;dj úiska tu mla‍I uQ,ia:dk jg,d yQ lshñka" wmydi lrñka" mia mvx.=fõ nek jeÿkq uq,au wjia:dj fuhhs'

iïnkaê; mqj;a
wkqr l=udr b,a,f.k lhs@ wejka .dâ ysñlre fïc¾ ksYaYxl cúfm kdhlhdg m%isoaO újdohlg wNsfhda. lrhs''

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