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úOdhl n,;, wvq lrk 
.eiÜ‌ ksfõokh ths

úOdhl ckdêm;s Oqrfha n,;, wvq lsÍfï wdKa‌vql%u jHjia‌:d ixfYdaOkhg wod< .eiÜ‌ m;%h Bfha ^15 od& uOHu rd;%sfha§ ksl=;a lsÍug weue;s uKa‌v,h ;SrKh lr we;'

tfukau ue;sjrK l%uh ixfYdaOkh lsÍu we;=¿ ;j;a ixfYdaOk lSmhla‌ iïnkaOfhka w.yrejdod jk úg wjika ;SrKh .ekSug;a ta wkqj jHjia‌:d ixfYdaOkh iy ue;sjrK ixfYdaOk flgqïm; bÈß i;sh ;=< md¾,sfïka;=jg f.k taug;a weue;s uKa‌v,h ;SrKh lr ;sfí'

kj wdKa‌vql%u jHjia‌:d ixfYdaOkhg wkqj fiakdê kdhlhd f,i o weue;s uKa‌v, m%Odkshd f,i o ckdêm;sjrhd È.gu lghq;= lrk w;r weue;s uKa‌v,h m;alsÍfï n,;, o Tyq i;= fõ' flfia fj;;a weue;s uKa‌v,h m;a lsÍfï§ w.ue;sjrhdf.a o u;h úuid nef,a'

ckdêm;sjrhdf.a Oqr ld,h jir yfha isg my ola‌jd wvq lsÍug o Oqrfha jdr .Kk fojrlg iSud lsÍug o ;SrKh lr we;' md¾,sfïka;=j jirlska miqj úisrùfï n,h ckdêm;sjrhdg wysñ jk w;r th isÿl< yela‌fla md¾,sfïka;=j m;aù jir y;rlg miqjh' ia‌jdëk fldñika iNdjkao m;a flf¾'

kj jHjia‌:d ixfYdaOkhg wkqj wud;HdxY f,alïjre m;a l< hq;af;a weue;s uKa‌v,h úisks'

ckdêm;sjrhd wêlrKhg j.lsj hq;= w;r ckdêm;sjrhdg tfrysj udkj ysñlï kvq mejßh yelsh'

weue;s uKa‌v,h ;sylg iSud flfrk w;r úksiqrejre m;alsÍfï n,;, wêlrK fiajd fldñiu i;=h' m<d;a iNd n,;, oekg mj;sk wdldrhgu úh hq;= nj;a kj jHjia‌:d ixfYdaOkfha oela‌fõ'

fuu jHjia‌:d ixfYdaOk mk; yÈis mk;la‌ f,i fkdj idudkH wdldrhg md¾,sfïka;=jg bÈßm;a lsÍug kshñ;h'

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