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kdúl yuqodfõ
ysgmq udOH m%ldYl
CIDhg leojhs

hqO iufha ;reKhska msßila meyerf.k hdu iy Tjqka w;=reoka lsÍu hk fpdaokd u; lg W;a;rhla ,nd .ekSu i|yd kdúl yuqodfõ ysgmq udOH m‍%ldYl ã'fla'mS oikdhl uy;d fmf¾od ^28& wmrdO mÍlaIK fomd¾;fïka;=jg le|jd ;sfí'

meh 5 l muK ld,hla ysgmq kdúl yuqod udOH m‍%ldYl lms;dka ã'fla'mS' oikdhl uy;d f.ka m‍%Yak l< nj fmd,sia udOH m‍%ldYljrhd ;yjqre lf<ah'

fuu isoaëka ms<sn|j wmrdO mÍlaIK fomd¾;fïka;=j mq¿,a mÍlaIKhla wdrïN l< w;r tys§ wkdjrK ù we;af;a tjlg kdúl yuqodfõ ks,OdÍka msßilao fuu w;=reokaùug in|;djla we;s njhs'

2008 iy 2009 w;r ld,iufha ;reKhska úis wgfofkl= meyerf.k f.dia w;=reoka l< njg t,a,jq fpdaokd u; mokïj fï jk úg;a wêlrKfha  kvq úNd.hlao isÿfõ'

weußldfõ mdGud,djla yodrñka isáã'fla'mS oikdhl uy;d jydu Y%S ,xldjg le|jd fufia lg W;a;rhla ,ndf.k we;af;a" fï isoaêhg wod, mÍlaIK j, È.=jla f,ih'

fuu isoaêh iïnkaOfhka fpdaokd ,enQ kdúl yuqod ks,OdÍ iïm;a uqKisxy uy;d ^fkaú iïm;a& jirlg jeä ld,hla ßudkaâ Ndrfha miqúh'

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