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irex.,fha kQf,a meg,S 
by< wyig .sh orefjl=
 ìug jeà ureg '''æ (Video)

m%udKfhka w;s úYd, irex.,hl kQ,l meg,S l=vd orefjla by< wyig we§ f.dia ìug jeà ñ mqj;la úhÜkdufhka jd¾;d fõ' fuu orejd yd ;j;a msßila irex.,a heùu i|yd msÜgkshla jeks ia:dkhlg f.dia we;s w;r tys§ wyig kxjd we;af;a m%udKfhka úYd, irex.,a fõ'

tlajru irex.,hl kQ,la th by<g hejQ mqoa.,hd w;ska .s,s.S f.dia wod, orejdf.a mdofha meg,S we;' tu wjia:dfõ yeuQ oeä iq<Õ fya;=fjka orejdo irex.,h iuÕska by< wyig we§ f.dia we;s w;r Tyq th je<elaùug oeä W;aidyhla ord we;'

wjg isá msßig lrlshd.; fkdyels ù we;s w;r fuf,i wä 65la muK by<g .sh orejd miqj kQ, ll=f,ka bj;aùu fya;=fjka ìug m;s; ù we;' flfia kuq;a Tyqj w,a,d .ekSug lsisfjl= iu;a ù fkdue;s w;r frday,g f.khk úg;a Tyq Ôú;fhka iuqf.k we;'

fuu orejdf.a jhi wjqreÿ 5la muK jk nj;a jeäÿrg;a jd¾;d fõ' fuu irex.,aj, úYd,;ajh wkqj th .=jkg hdfï§ jevqKq mqoa.,fhl= mjd by<g tiùfï yelshdjla we;s njgo jd¾;d fõ'

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