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whshd uf,da fofokd *s,aï lE,sj,
;sfhk iSka w;ayod n,kak
w,a,mq ßx.,d
jßka jr nd,jhialdßh fl<i,d''

jhi wjqreÿ oyhhs udi y;l muK jQ nd,jhialdr oeßhl wef.a ksjfia lsisjl= fkdue;s wjia‌:d lsysmhl§u tu ksjig f.dia‌ jßka jr tu oeßh ¥IKh lsÍfï fpdaokdjg ielmsg w;awvx.=jg .;a tlu mjqf,a whshd uf,da fofokd ud¾;= 16 ola‌jd rla‌Is; nkaOkd.dr.; lsÍug l=,shdmsáh jev n,k ufyia‌;%d;a nkaOq, úfþisxy uy;d kshu lf<ah'

tfia rla‌Is; Ndrhg m;a flrefKa j,amsg.u m%foaYfha mÈxÑ jhi wjqreÿ úis tla yeúßÈ úfha iy ody;r yeúßÈ úfha miq jQ fofofkla‌ jQ w;r jhi ody;r yeúßÈ msßñ orejd ;ju;a nd,jhialrejl= jk neúka Tyqj rla‌Is; Ndrfhka fyÜ‌áfmd, .,alkao /|jqï <ud ksjdihg fhduq lf<a h'

wms f*daka tflka *s,aï lE,s vjqkaf,daÙ lrkjd'''' tajfha fï jf.a iSka ;shkj'''' tal ksid udhs" u,a,Shs tal w;ayod n,kak ys;=fõ''' fïl nrm;, fohla fõú lsh, ys;=fj kE''' hhs fï iïnkaOj isÿ l< m‍%Yak lsÍfï§ 21 yeúßÈ ;reKhd mjid we;'

l=,shdmsáh uQ,ia‌:dk fmd,sia‌ mÍla‌Il m%'fmd'm' iqÔj úfþfiak uy;df.a Wmfoia‌ u; fmd'm' ks,ka; fm%Aur;ak" ld'fmd'ie' 392 úl%uisxy" fmd'fld' ^53314& frdydka hk uy;au uy;aóka mÍla‌IK isÿl< w;r iellrejka fjkqfjka kS;s{ iqmqka wêldß yd wñ, ldßhjiï hk uy;ajre fmkS isáhy'

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