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úu,af.a ìß| ud,fUka je,slvg
fm!oa.,sl frdayf,ka /f.k .sh whqre

ysgmq wud;H úu,a ùrjxY uy;df.a ìß| jk YIS ùrjxY uy;añh fï jk úg je,slv nkaOkd.dr frday,g we;=,;a lr isákjd'

weh óg weh fmr m%;sldr ,enqfõ ud,fò msysá fm!oa.,sl frday,lhs' flfiafj;;a rla‍Is; nkaOkd.dr.; ielldßhl neúka je,slv nkaOkd.dr frday,g fyda fld<U cd;sl frday,g udre lrkakehs fld<U ufyaia;%d;a wêlrKh Bfha ksfhda. l<d' nkaOkd.dr ks,OdÍka úiska weh je,slv nkaOkd.dr frday,g /f.k ú;a we;af;a ta wkqjhs'

 fï w;r YIS ùrjxY uy;añh fld<U ufyaia;%d;a wêlrKhg wo bÈßm;a lrk nj fmd,sia m%ldYl ld¾hd,h mjikjd' wúêu;a f,i ilia l< rdcH ;dka;%sl .uka n,m;%hla ish ika;lfha ;ndf.k isáu wehg tfrys fpdaokdjhs'


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