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úu,af.a ìßh wo
fyg w;awvx.=jg

jHdc ,smsf,aLk ilid Wmamekak iy;sl ilialr úfoaY .ukan,m;% ieliSfï fpdaokd u; ysgmq wud;H úu,a ùrjxi uy;df.a ìß| jk YIS ùrjxi uy;añh bÈß Èk lsysmh ;=<§ wmrdO mÍlaIK fomd¾;fïka;=j u.ska w;awvx.=jg .ekSug kshñ;j we;ehs ,xld gDD;a jd¾;d lrhs'

fuu fpdaokdj,g wod<j isÿl< úu¾IKj,§ fndfyda lreKq wkdjrKh ù we;ehso fndfyda idlaIs ,eî we;ehso fmd,sia udOH m%ldYl fcHIaG fmd,sia wêldÍ wð;a frdayk uy;d miq.shod mej;s udOH yuqjl§ mejiSh'

weue;s jrm%ido u; fuu jHdc f,aLk ilid we;s nj oekg fy<sù we;s lreKq u.ska wkdjrKh ù we;s njo Bg iydh ÿka wfkl=;a msßiaj,g tfrysjo kS;sh l%shd;aul lrk njo fmd,sia uQ,ia:dk wdrxÑud¾. ;jÿrg;a i|yka lrhs'

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